Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not having my lip ring in feels weird...I keep going to play with it and its not there...no more metal in my face...I feel like a real boy gimini cricket!!

We're driving to Modesto, Ca...and we're gonna be early bc I was hauling ass on the first shift of driving...I'm super tired...but I guess that's what u get from sleeping in a living room that has no shades from the early morning sun...and 6 dudes all walking around...doing laundry, making coffee, boiling eggs, or jumping some rope...possibly even playing a lil halo 3...its tough to stay asleep...Todd is sleepy bc apparently I snored extremely loud last night...I'm just gonna blame it on cigarettes...and no I don't smoke but for some reason the smoke stuffs up my nose somethin fierce and it makes me snore...he was gonna wake me up at gunpoint to scare the shit outta me but he didn't...he decided not to cross that line...he assumed I'd bug out and throw an elbow or haymaker his way...so he didn't wake me up...he just threw on his batman pajamas(cape and all) and perched himself on the roof like a gargoyle, combing Los Angeles for some criminal activity...I may have just made all that up...
...danny fitz...

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