Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Haha we found a gun and I just got shot in the leg...and that's no lie...plastic pellets hurt like a mofo...no joke...so now we gotta go out and get a bunch of guns bc whoever has the only one we have has the control...

Its funny bc we're all walking around real slow and achy like old men bc of our workout at the video shoot yesterday...the grunting and moaning everytime one of us sits down on the couch or stands up from a seated position...

Drive by is currently doing housework...chris and I made delicious banana pancakes as we pretended like it was the weekend...they were a big hit at the breakie party...todd washed all the dishes as jae dried them...now that's fuckin teamwork...P2 just played Halo and shot us with
a gun...but he's cool so its aight...its rehearsal time...later on vultron!
-dont air poop on me...
...see you on the other side...

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