Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grease lightening...

Rehearsals are going extremely well...I can't wait to start playin out...I can't wait for madison square garden...I generally don't get all excited and giddy...but...c'mon...its madison square garden!! Gimme a break...haha...I'm really not giddy...I'm stoked...but I don't get all cheese...I'm a man's man...bearded, flannel wearin, axe wielding, manly man...that's danny fitz...haha sorry I'm a little tired..

Tomorrow I got a video shoot...we checked out the place earlier today...they were building the looks like its gonna be the sweetest most fun day ever...the crew seemed extremely lets do this...

Haha ya gotta eat the puddin, the chocolate and the vanilla swirls...

I need sleep...and/or diet pepsi sucks bc its 7PM left coast

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