Saturday, April 5, 2008

We're leaving san fransisco right now...both shows were incredible...the area, however, was sketch as hell...we had to wait for Ginger to count out our merch so the dudes and I sat in the van and observed our surroundings...we watched a group of dudes chase a homeless man with pipes, and Jae swears on was running with chrome "heat"...and then that same homeless dude was holding up traffic in with his cart in the middle of the street...a car stopped and the driver got out screaming at the homless dude and picked up his cart and threw it at the man, missing him and strinking the MCR bus...a security dude along with many security dudes right at the driver picking up the cart and throwing it at his car and scream for him to get back in his car and leave...not exactly that politely...but u get the point...and the rest of the time random folks would roll up and steal shit from the road and the owner of these road scattered objects would chase them down...and this happened roughly 30 times in a span of 40 mins while we waited for Ginger...god damn zombies!

...danny fitz...

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