Saturday, May 3, 2008

St. Lunatics

Jungle juice!!!! I didn't know it was a real juice...I thought it was a bunch of different liquors my friends would put in a cauldron with a shit ton of koolaid and fruit to make it really sweet....bc when you drink, you don't wanna know your drinking..and that shit would creep up on you and before you knew it, you were a glorious fountain spitting colorful rainbow of puke "all over everywhere"...get it 'juhbene'? He loves that shit...drinks it out of a fishbowl sometimes...

We've drivin through Zombie Country, Gator Country, Bear Country and Arma'dilla' Country...but now we're in Chicken Country...we're seeing dead chicken that's redundant...I'm stupid...dead roadkill...I need a nap...

Oh yea so last night jae and I did some laundry at the hotel...and we spend 4 hours trying to dry our clothes in the dryer...and it just wasn't I said fuck it..and went back to the room and hung my clothes to dry....wake up this morning and they're still a lil damp so I take the hair dryer that's bolted to the wall and hand dry all my clothes that are all still a lil wet...jesse then goes to the front desk and complains about the dryer and the lady is like "oh yea..that dryer doesn't work...everyone in the hotel knows that..." but nobody told us that...and when I was reading harry potter on hour 4 of trying to dry the clothes, the frontdesk clerk comes over to use the vending machine and asks if everything is ok...and I tell him im just waiting for my clothes to dry and he said "ok...have a goodnight then"...and apparently he knew!!!!!!!! What a dirtbag...I hate him...

Naptime...St Louis show tonight...we're still driving there...cigarettes are 26 bucks a carton...which means nothing to me...
...danny fitz...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly that has happened to me before ;___;