Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So, we finally got our rehearsal space all set up feels good...we took about a day off from playing and we're already rehearsing and getting some things ready for our next tour...we're headlining a show at North Eastern in Boston...I think it may be a student only show but I'm not positive...but we're headlining that show so we're getting a couple more shows in the bank...some oldies some'll see...
In june we got a short tour with I am the Avalanche and Jetlag Gemini...but until then ill just be dorkin out with bro, playin some Halo 3, seeing some friends, and rehearsing...see you on the other side...
...danny fitz...

1 comment:

jetblackfeeling said...

YESSSS! You're coming to Pittsburgh in June.

And I know it's only been 10 days since I last saw you play, but I miss you already.