Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"There aint no party like my Nanna's tea party!"

So yesterday we had a bunch of stuff to do before we even left...and we
got to the show a little late... we got there right before the 2nd band
started there set...Redlight Greenlight played 3rd...then we played 4th
then Jetlag Gemini and then biggity bam! I am the Avalanche...it was
roughly 100 million and a half degrees on stage when we played and I was
completely drenched in sweat and it was fun...the coolest thing
happened....I was walkin out and Vinnie from IATA stops me and was like
"do you remeber be?" and I played it off cool like...yea! We played with
you at 'the Downtown' in Long Island, which was this rad venue we played
a bunch...but Vinne was the frontman to one of my fave bands growning up
"the Movielife" and now I'm wrapped up in a conversation with him just
shootin the sit talkin about our bands and such and he looks at me and
goes..."oh shit, they're start the set without me....so he bolted back
inside and on stage...if you don't know em already...they're called 'I
am the Avalanche'..Pittsburgh is the city of overpasses and
Pirates...Allentown today...see you there...
...danny fitz...

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