Sunday, January 27, 2008

rambo jones...

what's good kiddies? Fitz here...has anyone seen the new 'Rambo' yet? i was actually thinking of going on a 'rambo' tear, and renting all the old ones...and straight ripping through them only to "finale" them with the new one in that weird? ya know, the part about me never seeing a 'rambo' before, and being all about the new's mostly b/c i love stallone...i think he is the stuff dreams are made of...i mean he plays Rocky in every movie...and no one has caught on...AND...he's STILL making he gets 'mad' respect...Long Live, Sly Stallone!

right now i'm currently listening to the new Drive By record (just got the finished product)...and it pretty much's like my child...but not just any's the child that the one that is great at everything it does...sports, music, getting girls...everything...haha...i'll speak for the band when i say, we can't wait for you to hear it so you can tell us what you think...

on another note...I haven't been following the outcome of the Heath Ledger tragedy, but it's sad...he left behind a child which sucks....but i feel everything happens for a reason...i have, however, been sobbing over '10 things i hate about you' all week...watching it on VHS on repeat...over and over again...great flick...definately top 10 material...maybe it's number 8, just ahead of 'Mean Girls'...and now that's 'fetch'

well...i must steal some grub for my feels like i haven't eaten in days...but that's not true at all...i stopped by a diner last night and got some breakie, after a long night of chillin with my lil bro for his 21st'll probably be with jae and chris later so i'll tell them you said "HI!"...

CD in stores soon...keep checkin back for new info about tours, the cd, or just to see what we're up to?

Danny Fitz

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