Thursday, January 3, 2008

another old post (Fort Collins, CO) sept 9, 2007

-----old post from my myspace blog----from september 9th, 2007 (fort collins, CO)

ok so...this is some shit i've written while out in the mountains...this may be weird to a lot of you out there...b/c i'm "Mutha Fukkin Fitz"...pretty much just a character who is always having a good time and smiling, and for the most part that is me..."I AM FITZ"...but as you may have noticed...and a bunch of folk have already responded...i'm not immune to depression, or sorrow, or anything that is not the typical fun-loving Fitz...but don't think i'm all 'emo' and a dark person...i haven't changed...but this is one of the ways i can move on from shit that happens that may put me in a shitty mood and be who i am...

"Between My Teeth"

I can taste the blood
between my teeth,
I'm not feeling too well - today
I say this everytime i wake,
I'm not complaining,
And I'd rather not make a scene,
But, today is no better than the last...
I can't see this situation getting any better,
it's delicate like a shipwreck,
sinking slowly,
taking in too much,
stealing my breath...
Leaving me with just enough to stay afloat
...A broken man CAN stand...
Just realizing it's there takes me home,
...I'm home now...
i'm here, and it still hurts...
But being somewhere is all that really matters...
So i keep my itchy eyes from closing,
and my heavy head from dropping,
because tomorrow will bring a new sunrise,
Yet, the same sun will burn my skin
Over and over again
So i 'Thank God'
i can still taste-
But all i taste is blood,
between my teeth...

don't worry though...i'm fine...this is not meant to freak people out...i'm not suicidal nor do i think that's an answer for anything...i've helped people through that...late night phone calls and such...i use music and words to get through hard sounds so cliche..."music got me through the hard times" and so it should sound that way...cliche is nothing more than something that is true and works in a lot of situations...a phrased over used to the point of cheese...people are so scared of being cliche...who the fuck really cares? if you do what you wanna do, and laugh at all your own jokes- you'll never have a day where the bad times outway the keep your head up...what you're doing right now means's what you Want to be doing in the future...bust your ass to get there...and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way...Do Work!

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