This is a response to a comment i received...
"Obama isn't paying their bills like he said he would"
So you know what’s going to happen in the future? You know for a fact that Obama isn’t going to follow through with what he’s said?
i've watched interviews of people who voted for Obama...people actually think that Obama is gonna pay their bills, and childcare...he's not...that's not in the president's job description...and yes...i KNOW for a fact that he will NOT be able to pay everyones bills...that's just ridiculous...
"but so did Hitler"
You just compared a man who wants to help this country in ways that he knows how to a man that killed over 6 million people based on their religion, physical disabilities, and their jobs. I fail to see the connection there.
you obviously know NOTHING about history..maybe you haven't gotten to that part in'll get there though...soon enough...the Germans were in crisis and Hitler promised to pull Germany out of their depression..they believed everything he said...hence the ability to rise to power and lead his German's to war...the connection is that people blindly followed promises...without asking questions...I'm not saying Obama is gonna murder everyone...I'm saying no one questioned Obama, much like Hitler's rise to power...
"he somehow resembles George W. Bush? is THAT racist?"
No. The ways in which he resembles Bush are in the way he voted on subjects. The majority of the time, him and Bush were in agreement. People were ready to have Bush out of office, and McCain was not that difference that they wanted. And how is McCain and Bush voting the same way being racist?
McCain and Bush are not the same guy...they voted on a lot of things b/c they believe in America...Bush, believe it or not has protected this country for 7 years after 9-11...or did you forget? that we were attacked...guess so...most people's you know each thing that they voted on in the same manner? i don't personally, but I'm sure Obama would've voted the same way in a bunch of em...the war on Iraq is 1 subject...and 'my opinion' is that the war is necessary...i respect your father for being in the military...i have and have lost friends due to there involvement in the war...they enlisted to protect this country and they ALL believe in what they're doing...but everyone has a different view...i don't hate you for yours...but we don't share the same views...i sure as hell don't think it would be effective to wave a white flag...and yes if i hear 'we can't elect another old white man into office', i believe that to be a racist statement (coming from anyone from any race) you're taking my words and taking them out of sound like the's pretty impressive...
"and people only dislike Palin b/c of her accent, and the fact that Tina Fay can look identical to her and make herself look stupid"
No, Tina Fey did not make Palin look like an idiot. She did that to herself, Fey just made it a bit funnier.
Have you seen Palin's thoughts on foreign policy?
She thinks that just because she lives in Alaska it better qualifies her to understand it.
i personally don't think she looks like an idiot...i don't see where you're getting any of that from...that's an opinion on her character...not fact...and do tell me...which parts of her foreign policy do you not like? or is it just that she's from Alaska?
'Guiliani of the way North West'
This I don’t know anything about. But I also don’t live in the northwest.
And I looked it up, and if you were talking about Rudy Giuliani, you spelled his name wrong.
my blogs are all typed as spelling is sometimes overlooked...leave it to me to be spell-checked by a 9th grader...she actually cleaned up corrupt politicians in Alaska...much like Giuliani cleaned up New York...i personally believe Giuliani would've been the best president in this election...but his views on abortion didn't hold up as a republican candidate this time around...BUT he would've been somewhere on the McCain team..when you elect a president you elect a team..or did you not learn that yet in school?
"Mr. Barrack's"
Maybe you aren’t happy about it, but he is now the president of the country you are a citizen of. At least spell his name correctly
once again..thanks for the spell check...
When you make claims about someone, you need to make sure you have legit sources for all of this.
And I know that some of this is opinion. But some is fact and can be backed.
all of this is opinion based on facts...this blog is not meant to stir's meant for me to get my thoughts can read or you can close the website...that's up to you...i could've deleted your comment...instead i read it and responded with my thoughts...that's why I'm here...thank you for reading and i hope my views on the President don't discourage you from reading...i love feedback...thank you again...
Now, everything I just told you came from a 15 year old who never really followed each candidate because I can’t vote. But I have defended both parties from various parties, so I have at least an idea about what’s going on.
And just to throw in some of my opinion. I did choose who I supported for selfish reasons. Obama said he would put a plan to take troops from Iraq. While I don’t know for fact that he will do this, I put my faith in the fact that he would. But if McCain had said that he would take troops out ASAP, I would have supported him in an instant.
I do not want to see my dad going back to the Middle East to fight a war that I don’t know why we are fighting.
Its time for innocent people on both sides of the war to stop dying for un-justified reasons
Tell your dad that I thank him for what he's doing...and I send support...Drive By and I support our troops to the fullest...stay safe
Danny Fitz
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank you 'biggest fan' for your it fully
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It sounds like most of the things you said I took differently than were meant. But thats what happens when things are typed and not spoken.
I spent a semester learning about the Holocaust in 7th grade, but my teacher made sure we knew what happened to the Jews. I think that was because he was Jewish so he wouldnt really let us learn anything else.
And no, I havent learned about presidential teams yet. I take government next semester. But my friends who are in AP government havent even learned about it.
Youre welcome for all the spell checks btw.
Yes, you could have deleted my comment, and I thank you for not deleting it. Im sure that the fact that Im not that old was even more of an incentive to do so.
Im not going to stop reading your blog, or liking Drive By because of your political views. We are on opposite ends of the rope right now, but thats how life tends to work.
Honestly, it was nice to know, and talk to someone who wasnt for Obama, and has a legit reason for it.
And Im not a freshman. Im a sophomore, and there is a difference.
-and on a side note, if you or one of the guys could make a shout out to the boards or something, I would appreciate it. Im trying to keep the place alive, but two people can only hold the place together for so long. Holly and I would be extremely grateful if we got some more people to talk to
The sad thing is, that this debate should have been taking place over the past 6 months. Now it is too late and NOW the Obama supporters will find out first hand that CHANGE is not always a good thing.
GOOSESTEP on Comrades!
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