Sunday, January 18, 2009


last night we shredded faces...Drive By played Finnegan's Grill in Thornwood, NY, my place of was fun as hell...we finally got to play a real hometown show and it went extremely well...i got to see some friends that i haven't seen since i was in high school...all around a great night...after we played, we packed up all the gear and then i was on the clock..i actually started working at the bar that i JUST played was cool though i made some coinage...i don't mind gettin dirty and workin for some extra cash...the bar was an absolute mess...Drive By fans get the end of the night i was pulling people out of 3 feet of broken beer bottles and i found a sweet pair of shoes under all the wreckage...i'm glad everyone had a good time and I thank you all for coming out and support your boys!

the economy is suffer...which means one thing...stores go out of business...well, i guess it means a lot more than just ONE thing, but the stores shutting down is what i would like to talk about...FYE in a town near me is going under...and i LOVE it...i think i just spent, roughly 3 hundo on used DVDs...everything is the store is half off...and these dvds came out to 3 do the math...ok i'll help...that's roughly...hmm...a bagillion movies...i have about a bagillion and ahalf movies now...the whole ROCKY saga for 15 beans, all 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles for 10...i better get crackin...i bought dvds that i never wanna see...sappy movies, chick flicks...for the ladies of 2 things t remember...

shitty economy = great deals on movies
global warming = skinny dipping in the winter

all ya gotta do is see the good side and you'll smile forever!


jetblackfeeling said...

Nice perspective on global warming. Don't think I'll count on it though. Skinny dipping is fun, but cold water = brr. Though I've known at least one guy who called it "invigorating". I suspect he was just trying to get the rest of us in the water.

Maranda said...

So wish I could of went to Finnegan's. Two problems though. One: Under age. Two: I live in Michigan. Hopefully you guys can come back to Detroit soon so I can see you guys, its been forever!