i've been recently surfing the interweb...and i've been coming across some pics that i thought i should share with you from the New Year's party and "Jonja's" house..."Jonja" is a mix of my boy jon and his wife Anja's names...pretty witty i know...but contain yourself...
That there is a pic of Bobby "Boobie Milds" Teahan, with his gf Christine...i can't explain what i was doing...or why ya'll needed to stay quiet for it...but that there is a snapshot of glory and excitement...we call bobby," Boobie Milds", well b/c boobie is a great nickname for anyone named bobby...and "milds" b/c he can't handle any kind of hot foods...so he sticks with Mild sauce...and he is huge into sports...and Boobie Miles was a running back in the movie "Friday Night Lights"

This one is me and Boobie just actin a fool...he is rockin all Irish gear...he's got the Black T-Shirt from the movie "The Emerald Diamond" it's a great flick...(check it out by clicking the link) and the jersey is the official jersey of the Irish National Baseball Team...the Emerald Diamond is based on their story...
i'm apparently disgusted at something going on...maybe a fart? i dunno...
...maybe it was the pigs that showed up at the party...scantily clad...and behaving crudely...here's a picture of those pigs...

hahahaha...so yea...we spent the night playing beerpong, eating Danishes, and drinkin...watched the ball drop in NYC, kisses and hugs poured like budlights...and then BAMMO!!!! circle of death happened...if you don't know it's a harsh card game of...well...just check the pics...

and THEN the night took a turn...the sloppiness ensued...

so i'll leave all of you with wishes of health and happiness for 2008...and i hope it kicks the anus of 2007...be safe...

Stay classy you guys!
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