what's good kiddies? Fitz here...has anyone seen the new 'Rambo' yet? i was actually thinking of going on a 'rambo' tear, and renting all the old ones...and straight ripping through them only to "finale" them with the new one in theaters...is that weird? ya know, the part about me never seeing a 'rambo' before, and being all about the new one...it's mostly b/c i love stallone...i think he is the stuff dreams are made of...i mean he plays Rocky in every movie...and no one has caught on...AND...he's STILL making movies...so he gets 'mad' respect...Long Live, Sly Stallone!
right now i'm currently listening to the new Drive By record (just got the finished product)...and it pretty much rules...it's like my child...but not just any child...it's the child that rules...like the one that is great at everything it does...sports, music, getting girls...everything...haha...i'll speak for the band when i say, we can't wait for you to hear it so you can tell us what you think...
on another note...I haven't been following the outcome of the Heath Ledger tragedy, but it's sad...he left behind a child which sucks....but i feel everything happens for a reason...i have, however, been sobbing over '10 things i hate about you' all week...watching it on VHS on repeat...over and over again...great flick...definately top 10 material...maybe it's number 8, just ahead of 'Mean Girls'...and now that's 'fetch'
well...i must steal some grub for my tum-tum...it feels like i haven't eaten in days...but that's not true at all...i stopped by a diner last night and got some breakie, after a long night of chillin with my lil bro for his 21st bday...so...yes...now...food...i'll probably be with jae and chris later so i'll tell them you said "HI!"...
CD in stores soon...keep checkin back for new info about tours, the cd, or just to see what we're up to?
Danny Fitz
Sunday, January 27, 2008
rambo jones...
so...NEW Drive By album coming out soon...i hope you're stoked...i am, for sure...
on our myspace page, we should be posting more clips of some of our new songs from our NEW record, this week...which you can't buy JUST YET...but, it'll be out soon, for your entertainment...as well as a possible video of an acoustic performance ...so keep checkin back for the updates...because we wanna know your thoughts...we update the drive.by.myspace on the regular...so add us and keep checkin...you could even subscribe to our blog...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
since when can drugs replace my feelings?
There are some new developments in my life as well as in Drive By. Well, Drive By is my life as of late. I've been in New Jersey at rehearsal more often than not, getting ready for this new year. I know some secrets about Drive By which i can not talk about yet, but, i can let you in on some info.
Drive By will be touring this year. A lot. and there will be HUGE tours to look foward to. As well, there will be Festivals this year...possibly one at the Giant stadium parking lot? maybe one in Texas? maybe even one in Cali. If you know anything about me, you know how much i love the West Coast. And yes, i capitalized the "W" and the "C" in West Coast as if it were a state or country...i'm awesome, what can i say.
The infamous "album" will be coming out soon as well...this spring...i hope you're ready for it...if you're not, i hope you're in a room with a very soft floor, b/c you're gonna get knocked the fuck out. haha. nah, but seriously...i'm very proud of this upcoming recording and i hope you enjoy it too....we have thrown a teaser up on our myspace...i hope you're "teased"...the song is named "Boring" and it's gonna maul your kitten...i love cats...and i don't really wish any harm to them...it was a joke...you can take a joke right?
Danny Fitz
Thursday, January 17, 2008
sittin shotgun...to rehearsal...
today, around noon o'clock, we saw an accident...
a red minivan ran a redlight and lost a tire and his trunk popped open and mad garbage flew out and hit into a silver minivan...everyone was ok so there was no need to stop and sit in more traffic, so we bailed out on the mid-road party...
We are now arriving at the practice space, where drive by will have a little jam sesh...
All rehearsed up for the day...heading home...we're gonna change it up a bit and take the lincoln tunnel back to new york...rather than our normal scenic jersey route...we are also mapping out what we're gonna be doing tomorrow...we will definately do a lil rehearsing but at 9 we have a meeting with out manager to talk about what we want to accomplish in 2008...ya know fun stuff...we'll talk about the date our new cd will be released, maybe discuss some artwork and a name for it...we'll probably even talk about upcoming tours for this year...ones that even you'll attend...and we'll have a great time at...and then we'll leave...and maybe we'll call u...maybe we'll wait the average 3 days before we call...or we may never call you again...we'll see what happens...ha
Ah new york city...its so evil...but so much larger than life...and beautiful at the same instant...cruisin through the city streets is theraputic...and I bet u never thought ud hear that...yes, set aside all the assholes and creeps...and just blast ur music, the city becomes a music video and smells like roasted peanuts...so delicious...right now, we're rockin some Street Crimes...ambulance sirens are blaring through the song so I think we should pull to the side of the road...
I love the way Crispie(aka chris perino) flips out at all the jerk-holes on the road-who don't know how to drive...its hysterical...he's jumpin around, slammin his horn, punchin the wheel..swearing to murder and decapitate folks...its amazing...
I'm gettin kinda lightheaded from the cigarette smoke and reading in the car...ive always gotten car sick when I consentrated on too hard words while the car is moving...so imma head out...laters!
-danny fitz
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
some vids and stuff...do check...
i found some old videos our street team have posted on various sites...here they go...enjoy this...haha
this first one is an unreleased Drive By song we like to call "Sorry", the girls clipped some random shots together and made a video of their own...
this next one is some live footage of us playing this phantom oldie but goodie "Blueprints"
ok...so Drive By has some buddies in Dearborne, Mich. ...and we were crashing there while on tour and decided to have a bbq...good eats...good drinks...we were merry...and then...KAPLOW!!!! Then THIS happened...
the pickle drink...
apartment...it may have been the hit single off the soundtrack from the Brooke Shields' blockbuster juggernaut "Endless Love"...a song you may have heard of, called "Endless Love" -as performed by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie...when i find said video...i will post it ASAP...
Battlestar Galactica!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
the new jeers...part duex

i've been recently surfing the interweb...and i've been coming across some pics that i thought i should share with you from the New Year's party and "Jonja's" house..."Jonja" is a mix of my boy jon and his wife Anja's names...pretty witty i know...but contain yourself...
That there is a pic of Bobby "Boobie Milds" Teahan, with his gf Christine...i can't explain what i was doing...or why ya'll needed to stay quiet for it...but that there is a snapshot of glory and excitement...we call bobby," Boobie Milds", well b/c boobie is a great nickname for anyone named bobby...and "milds" b/c he can't handle any kind of hot foods...so he sticks with Mild sauce...and he is huge into sports...and Boobie Miles was a running back in the movie "Friday Night Lights"

This one is me and Boobie just actin a fool...he is rockin all Irish gear...he's got the Black T-Shirt from the movie "The Emerald Diamond" it's a great flick...(check it out by clicking the link) and the jersey is the official jersey of the Irish National Baseball Team...the Emerald Diamond is based on their story...
i'm apparently disgusted at something going on...maybe a fart? i dunno...
...maybe it was the pigs that showed up at the party...scantily clad...and behaving crudely...here's a picture of those pigs...

hahahaha...so yea...we spent the night playing beerpong, eating Danishes, and drinkin...watched the ball drop in NYC, kisses and hugs poured like budlights...and then BAMMO!!!! circle of death happened...if you don't know it's a harsh card game of...well...just check the pics...

and THEN the night took a turn...the sloppiness ensued...

so i'll leave all of you with wishes of health and happiness for 2008...and i hope it kicks the anus of 2007...be safe...

Stay classy you guys!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
check the clips...and some XBOX talk...hahahaha Bing Bing!
it's January 3rd...and it still feels like 2007...i'm still on my holiday break at home...just spending time with the family and such...i have been rockin out with my lil bro Mikey Fitz, playin a lil Halo 3...my gamer tag is 'BingBingDookie' and his is 'FitzDearthair'...add us if you wanna get destroyed...my tag comes from a youtube clips i was introduced to while in Fort Collins, CO recording Drive By's second Album...it's called "Rack 'em Willie"
THE DAMN SHOW has another clip about a man named "JIMMY JIBBERISH" and this is his clip...he is the Peanut Butter Rooter...
and that there is the BING BING DOOKIE...anyways, back to Halo 3...it's absolutely addicting...i've never really been into shooter games...or games other than Madden...but this game pulls you it...it's ridiculous how much fun i have...i'm definately turning into a gamer...
i'll post later when things happen...right now my life is on a downtime...i'm not touring...don't you worry your pretty little head about it though...my life will start up again soon...we'll be mowin 'em down, and takin names...remember the name Drive By...b/c it will haunt your dreams...nah i'm just kidding...but seriously...it will...hopefully ya'll will check out the myspace frequently and find out when our shows are comin to your town...ya'll just definately come out and say hello...if not i'll just stop by ur crib and say what up..and eat all your food...b/c that's how i roll...
--the BingBingDookie
another old post (Fort Collins, CO) sept 9, 2007
-----old post from my myspace blog----from september 9th, 2007 (fort collins, CO)
ok so...this is some shit i've written while out in the mountains...this may be weird to a lot of you out there...b/c i'm "Mutha Fukkin Fitz"...pretty much just a character who is always having a good time and smiling, and for the most part that is me..."I AM FITZ"...but as you may have noticed...and a bunch of folk have already responded...i'm not immune to depression, or sorrow, or anything that is not the typical fun-loving Fitz...but don't think i'm all 'emo' and a dark person...i haven't changed...but this is one of the ways i can move on from shit that happens that may put me in a shitty mood and be who i am...
"Between My Teeth"
I can taste the blood
between my teeth,
I'm not feeling too well - today
I say this everytime i wake,
I'm not complaining,
And I'd rather not make a scene,
But, today is no better than the last...
I can't see this situation getting any better,
it's delicate like a shipwreck,
sinking slowly,
taking in too much,
stealing my breath...
Leaving me with just enough to stay afloat
...A broken man CAN stand...
Just realizing it's there takes me home,
...I'm home now...
i'm here, and it still hurts...
But being somewhere is all that really matters...
So i keep my itchy eyes from closing,
and my heavy head from dropping,
because tomorrow will bring a new sunrise,
Yet, the same sun will burn my skin
Over and over again
So i 'Thank God'
i can still taste-
But all i taste is blood,
between my teeth...
don't worry though...i'm fine...this is not meant to freak people out...i'm not suicidal nor do i think that's an answer for anything...i've helped people through that...late night phone calls and such...i use music and words to get through hard times...it sounds so cliche..."music got me through the hard times" and so it should sound that way...cliche is nothing more than something that is true and works in a lot of situations...a phrased over used to the point of cheese...people are so scared of being cliche...who the fuck really cares? if you do what you wanna do, and laugh at all your own jokes- you'll never have a day where the bad times outway the good...so keep your head up...what you're doing right now means nothing...it's what you Want to be doing in the future...bust your ass to get there...and don't let anyone or anything stand in your way...Do Work!
old post from fort collins...sept 21, 2007
-----this is an older blog of mine from my old myspace jam-----from september 21 2007(fort collins, CO)
ok...i haven't written anything here in a "minute" and i apologize...mostly to myself...but still...i'm worth it, right?
i just got a phone call from a "friend" who i'm not that close with...but i guess a friend nonetheless...who has done some shit in the past, let's say, that has clouded his judgement...and i had seen him last night out at the bars...
and that's what started this whole situation...
he's said he was proud of me...for quitting smoking as well as drinking and he pointed out that i "looked" healthier...and that made it all worth it...i feel better...he was genuinely proud of me b/c i did something i said i was going to do...
and i started to realize that everyone i know-and probably everyone you know have said a lot of things that never get done...just imagine getting some of that cool shit done...b/c you know there is a lot of shit that you've said, that would be incredible, but you never go through with it...only to, later on down the road, say..."remember when i said that, yea, we should've done that...it woulda been sooo kick ass"
...well fuckin do it now...
don't wait on shit...i'm not telling you to do drugs, break the law, beat kids...
i'm talking cool shit like "hey, let's build a go-kart" or "let's go skydiving" the latter is not my style b/c i am deathly afraid of heights but you get the idea...and everyone thinks that they'll have an idea and leave it for later in life...why? do that shit now...and think of something else for later in life...
i apologize for shortness...i hafta go...HANSON CONCERT TONIGHT!!!!!! hahahahaha i'm so kidding...just pokin fun at a select few people...xox
Love Ya'll,