ugh...miserable...if you know anyone that talks about sports...they have probably mentioned the NY Mets collapsed again...year 2...second year in a row that the Mets on the 162nd game...last game of the season...the Mets fall to the Florida Marlins...and are nixed from the Post-season...i was at the game yesterday with two of my brothers, John and Mike, and my friend Boobie...although the Mets lost, and that was absolutely miserable, I DID get to meet Wally Backman...which was sweet...i've been watching him on my brother's TV show, Playing for Peanuts, over and over again...and he's such an awesome dude...if you wanna know what i mean check him out at ...
anyways...I got to see the Mets lose the LAST GAME EVER at SHEA's such an historic my any Met fan's life...and Queens, NY...and i got the chance to see it...i saw the last pitch ever...thrown by hall of famer, Tom Seaver and caught by future hall of famer, Mike as miserable as the team is NOW...i got to witness the end of an era...and it was magical...
now it's time to move on...Let's Go Dodgers!! Joe Torre baby!! the Brooklyn Bums...
what are you all up to? let me get some feedback...jerk
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ya Gotta Relieve!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm a PC
so the Mets are now 2 games back in the Division, and 1 game back in the Wild Card...if you don't know what that means than you're missing's a pennant race in September...and that's just dad went to the game today and is watching in the rain..he took an old high school friend that he hasn't seen in a really long time to the game...they used to go to game when they were kids and thought it be the right time being that tomorrow is the last game ever at shea stadium...given they don't make the i guess it technically the last regular season game at Shea...I will be at the sold out game tomorrow...the LAST brother, Mike, and my boy Boobie are coming with me and i'm sooooo gonna lean over the fence and scoop me some Shea Stadium dirt...we got so lucky uncle had 4 tickets from his company seats and they're on field level...which means...we're pretty much on the field...we're also debating meeting up with my oldest brother, John, and the star of his TV show and former NY Met, Wally Backman, for some brunch before the game...Wally will be in town for all the festivities in brothers Playing for Peanuts blog is HERE...
ya'll need to check out this's the greatness...The Mets Blog...
so yea...i'm a PC...and i'm really getting the hang of my new computer...and i just uploaded a pic of my new tattoo...yes that's moms said it was cute...haha...well there he is...his name is Boo, by the way...
i gotta go shower and watch the rest of the Mets horrific to you later on...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jailhouse Rock...
weird things are happening with my blog...I have an email address setup through where i can email from my phone and posts are posted instantly from the road...apparently that email is getting SPAM mail sent to it...I'm looking into it b/c that's just B.S. with a capital B and a capital S...i'm still trying to get my video blog up and running...and i'm still trying to get Rock Band 2...i also heard there is a Ghostbusters game comin stoked...
So many good TV series out now...Heroes vol 3, Always sunny in Philadelphia (so good), Fringe, Sons of Anarchy, and last but not least...the Office starts today!!!!!!
moving foward...
i'm home right now...drinkin pumpkin spice coffee...awaiting yet another NY Mets collapse...i'm half rooting for them, still...and half hoping they fail...miss the playoffs...and get Wally Backman as a manager next year...i'm sooooo pissed that they gave Omar Minaya (GM) a 4 year contract...he's a peice of "S" and is completely destroying all that is the Mets...the New York Mets will ALWAYS be the junior varsity New York baseball team...they should stay that way...they should be the scrappy dudes, biting and kicking 5 holes to get to the playoffs and the underdogs will come around...eventually...1986 was just that...they were the "bad guys"...get a bunch of young, hungry scrappers...that's the New York Mets...incase you were wondering...if Jerry Manuel comes back as manager next year i'm straight up changing teams...i'll probably follow the LA Dodgers...they're technically still a New York team...spawning from Brooklyn, NY...former Yankee manager, Joe Torre manages as Don "Donnie Baseball" Mattingly is the hitting coach...and i'm a HUGE fan of Manny Ramirez...he's just bad i won't feel too bad jumpin on the LA train...
we'll see what's going to you later...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Help me out!
my boy Jon is in a contest...his recording jam Cogent Recordings has a project at ...go to the site ...sign up on all your email you can vote a bunch...everyday before 6pm...that would be you sign browse contestants...then search for Cogent Recording...and vote...he said if he wins he'll throw me a let's get this goin...and going strong...thanks you all...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia...every dirty we can quote it together...
howdy...where have you been?
I've been around...but I no longer have a sidekick so it's harder for me to blog unless I'm at a computer...which is a problem I recently fix...i won a used HP Pavilion dv1000 in a game of chance...heres how the story goes:
I was in my friends basement...he was having a sweet rager (aka drinking party)...i found myself drinking too much (water) so I felt I should slow down, i was driving that night, mind you. Beer was flowing like beer and ping pong balls were flying like would think the story ends here, because I'm a professional beer pong player, well a retired one but still, my skills are unmatchable...that's for one would assume I'd pick up the ball, bounce it lightly on the makeshift ply wood board sprawled across two wooden horses, crank it back like soulja boy and let the ball go soaring, following an arch of fantastical portions and angles only to splash deep inside that red solo cup filled with delight, barley, oh yes, and some hops as well...sending the opponents home, heads slung low, egos destroyed...losing a part of themselves that walking away with a sweet HP Pavilion dv1000...but no...that is not how this story went down my friend...not at all...the story starts with an Xbox360 console...a friend named Tommy...and a game you could only buy at Burger King...this said game involves bumper cars, a puck, and the King himself...Tommy chose to be Whopper JR...a good choice indeed...but he was no match for my Subservient Chicken...triple deeks, knuckle pucks and the buzzer sounded...I had won the bumpercar hockey game...roses rained down on the ice as i did my 'subservient chicken dance' was glorious...I really wish you could've been there...Tommy then gave me his old had nothing to do with the game...he just said it didn't work and if i wanted to fix it I could have I did just that...I brought that ish home and got it working and now, this sweet black HP Pavilion is how i write to you today...and spread the words of victory!! VICTORY!!!
anywho...i want to get rockband 2...that's number one in my life right now...i heard it's amazing and i hear that the new Guns n Roses song is rediculous...we're figuring out where and when tours will take for's's a choose your own adventure and i'm making new paths...come play with me in my journey...I'll be blogging more and taking pics on my new sweet Sprint Rumor phone, and hopefully ya'll will love it...if you don't...then get bent...because i don't rightly care...I do this for me...and the people who want to read it...i don't do it for haters...that means you...yea you...the one reading this...jerk...stop not can read if you'd like...but YOU in the back hating on all my words...wondering how i knew you were reading this..yea you stop it right eh...ok that they're gone...i'm gonna end this on a positive note...
well maybe not a note...but a lyric that inspires me's by a group that goes by the name El goes like this
"Rock, rock ya' the beat cha'll...elephants got big dirty feet cha'll"
take from it what you will...
Love always...
Danny Fitz
post script (that's what P.S. stands for...b-t-dubbs)
if there is anything you want to know about me just ask...send me a message on my personal myspace, not the bands...i'll answer questions in my blogs...not all of them...i have the power to pick and choose...but if you're question is good enough i'll answer...
i'm also trying to figure out how to vid blog from the road...I think that would be a cool idea...don't you?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wizard Cat gives the NY METS 3 wands for being 1st place!
as you can probably see, I've taken a short break from blogging...please be patient...I WILL be back and blogging more often...but as for right now it's hard for me to get my hands on a computer...who would have thunk it? it's 2008 and I can't seem to get my hands on a computer...weird...but anyways...hope all is well with everyone...I'll be back as soon as I sure to check out the Danny Fitz Store...there is a couple new shirts... "You're Boring" and "iLL Son"...
Toodles all you ROFLZOOKAs!!