So...its been a while..I thought I'd make ya'll want more...ya
know...i've been clownin...you want more? I don't care either way...I'm
gonna keep writing...I won't go away...I've been spending some time off
tour...but we're getting ready to head back out to see your pretty lil
faces...that's correct...Danny Fitz thinks your all pretty...every last
one of you...don't ever change...
I've been spending my time watching my NY Mets come back and take first
place I their division...and then lose it last night to the Fighting
Phillies of Philadelphia....I hate them b-t-dubbs...I don't hate Philly
but u can see the rivalry..can't you? So yea first place...oh! And
speaking of first place...my softball team, the Finnegan's "Go Gettaz"
took first in our co-ed softball league...with a record of 10-2...almost
unstoppable...I missed a bunch of games due to touring but its been
awesome having some time to go all out and hit some balls and shag some
flies...I get friggin dirty...I like to dive...that's how I roll...just
ask the Lil Drive Bys...they came to a couple games last year...
Hmm...so yes...mets and Go Gettaz...and what else have I been up to?
I've been playing Halo3 and Rockband...straight dorkin it up with my
homies...we actually shut down a bar playin rockband...its was
awesome...we had like a crowd of people watchin us shred...I was playin
drums of course...haha Jason 'shredzilla' DiBene on the bass and Ken
'Morello' Dogrun on the 6-string...we were rockin with the owner Steve
O. And some other friends...but we got the band back together
haha...good time...
I'm goin to the Met game tonight...hopefully to see then gain their spot
in first place...ill be going with Boobie, and my friend Lindsay and her
friend Jenna who is a HUGE Met fan...so it should be fun...if the
weather holds up...we're supose to get a crazy storm and it doesn't look
good for us...
Lets go Mets!
M-E-T-S..mets! mets! mets!
Duh-nuh, nuh-nuh, nuh-nuh...CHARGE!!!!!
...danny fitz...