Here's what has been going on since I've been home ...
My softball won, we're the Finnegans 'Go Gettaz' and we're undefeated
this year...I can only play when I'm not on tour...but baseball is a
huge part of my life...its kinda like I cheat on music sometimes just to
get a fix...sshh...don't tell...I've played baseball my whole
life...ever Spring, Summer and Fall...and I'm a huge fan of the
'amazins'...the NY Mets...Los Mets for anyone spanish speaking fan of my
blog...I am however upset bc I hear they might not bring the big homerun
apple, that pops out of an oversized tophat, to the new stadium in
Queens, NY...its such a staple to the Mets organization nd the fans and
to not have it follow them would be obsurd...and I officially stated
that I will no longer root for my Mets if the apple does not join me to
Citi Field...period!
Anyways, tour is comin up, we had a show at North Eastern University in
Boston, Mass....the show was cool...very small but small isn't always
bad...and then we rocked a hometown benefit show for the Ronald McDonald
Family Room foundation...which provides a hotel room for famlies of
seriously ill children near the hospital so they can be with their child
while he/she gets the care they need...that all took place in Valhalla,
NY...and a lot of friends ad family came out to support us and a good
cause...some friends of ours played as well...a Jersey band called
Street Crime and an old friend in a band called Looking Glass
Wars...check them both out on myspace or whatnot and tell them I sent
you...Danny Fitz...that's me...
Jae almost killed a kid the other day, while driving through our
town...we we on the major parkway that cuts through and this kid wearing
a backpack jumped into the road and stopped to look at us and then
continued to sprint for his life as jae pulled out some car-ninja moves
to avoid splattering this child all over his grill and the road...props
to jae for standing strong and saving the life of a child as well as
On top of saving kids, playin some fun low key shows and playing Halo 3
with my brother and sometimes Bob Briar...I've been spending my time
drinking Iced Coffee from Dunkin D's...and rehearsing...we now added a
new cover song to our set...and just been anxiously stoked for tour...
My boy jay jumped on the Dan-wagon and started
Singleservingjay.blogspot.com...check his shit out...
And now...we're back on tour again...we got a trailor now...a friend of
ours, and founder of Rebirth (his clothing line) anthony gaeta, is out
with us helping out with a few things...we're currently cruisin to
pittsburgh to meet up with I Am the Avalanche and Jetlag Gemini...lets
start this tour right...we've seen 6 dead deer on the side of Interstate
78 Westbound...in the past 3 miles...
And now its time to say goodbye...M I C K E Y M O U S E!! Mickey
...danny fitz...