oh it's me in shotgun!

Todd looks like Frankie Iero...weird

Sleepy Chris P.

Taxi Driver Jae...
Already! This trip has been eventful...so here's what happened first...we JUST pick up todd...and think of what a city school would look like...before the first class...a bunch of uniformed hooligans
running the streets, jokin, clownin, pickin on girls...the girls talkin about boys...so I make a left at a light...and mind you I'm driving a very imposing white sketch van...this group of girls are crossing the street 50 feet in front of me...and while this little schoolgirl is grillin my van hard bc she does not wanna get knocked out by it, what happens? She get clipped by some asshole in a maroon sedan...buckles her shoulder and doesn't say anything...and he leaves...meanwhile 2 cops are at the crosswalk and didn't do anything as if they didn't wanna be bothered...that's Jersey City...my old stomping ground...
Somewhere in PA, we stopped for a "peepee" break...and I guess we should be used to it but we get eyeballed constantly...these mean country trucker lookin dudes...and u can tell they weren't real truckers...they just drive john deer mowers...Drive By LOVES truckers...real ones...but
these guys weren't real...so yea they were mean muggin us...as the cashier watched our every move as if we were gonna steal shit...its awesome...Todd has been called a "faggot" at a gas station before...its like a game...not "getting shot" or "made to squeal like a pig" at truck
stops all over america...not everyone is like that though...we've met some extremely nice people at truck stops...
We just got into west virginia...currently on 81 south...we decided the mid west would have weather way too harsh for our fragile lil van...we'll be hittin up 40 west all the way to California...I'll be keeping you updated on funny stuff that happens as well as weather
updates...and all the fun tour ish that ensues...
Oh! I almost forgot...chris and jae were discussing whether or not we were playing Bamboozle this year in new jersey...chris stated that it was on the 3rd and 4th of may...jae quickly asked "did you say the 3rd and 4th? Or May 34th?"
I guess it is a super leap year...more jae-isms to come...jae just wanted to treat us early...
...see you on the other side...