Friday, February 29, 2008

We're chillaxin, waiting for a hair dude to come over to my managers house to cut our I was just killing time by doing push-ups...100 to be exact...and I'm done now and I'm a lil tired..well my arms are at least...

I'm hungry...its 11:30PM back home...and I'm watching "Dick Tracy" fave all time movie...I'm switching between the movie and watchin my boy P2 play Halo 3 with Bob from MCR...pretty eventful night...God! I'm hungry!!! I want a yellow trenchcoat with a yellow hat... I forgot Dustin Hoffman was in this! Werd! That just made my night...sorry I'm bored...we're still waiting to get haircuts...


Popcorn playa..

We're gettin fitted for clothes for the photo shoot and nothing fits me...they didn't believe me when I told them my sizes...but I don't mess around...the clothes look hot when they get my size its gonna rage...I can't wait...we just met the stylists, Lisa and Nathan...and the video producer and the photographer, Kevin Estrada...and its gonna be sick...I promise u...oh and to make shit better..we're goin Thai for lunch!!!

-for a nickel ill pronounce words funny...


Oh hello Los Angeles! We're here at Brian Schecter's house...he's my manager...and I just woke up on his floor...we're just chillin right now waiting for this dude, jesse, to drive us to Riot Squad for a we're all runnin around gettin cleaned up and ish...aight I gotta wake up now...check ya lata!

It feels like its 70 degrees..such a beautiful day...I'm just chillin on the back patio hangin with the dudes while they smoke their stoges...we're just discussing shit...we're talkin to our boy Jeff P.
About gear and tours and just everyday life...its 10AM and todd and I are already drinking Diet Pepsi Max...its gonna be a good day

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Its starting to smell a little like danger in here....

Home and jae...rockin out to smells like goat farts in the van...and no one is owning up...

I'm done for the day...imma pack up shop...ill be back tomorrow with life..but as for turns in, gnite...
-please to meet you, say your prayers...

Tell em, Large Marge sent ya!!!

Wow I'm cracked out...I was daydreaming I guess and I wanted a water...we had stocked the water by todd's feet in the back of the van...I'm sitting shotgun...jae's driving....that's the layout...ok here's the good part...I figure I don't wanna wake chris so I start to reach for the jump out real quick, just to grab a water...woulda been fine if we were stopped at a gas station...but we're truckin a solid 80 mph...good thing I snapped out of it before I opened the handle..I woulda been toast...haha

We've been quoting Pee Wee's Big Adventure, since yesterday...pretty much nonstop...jae is getting good at it too...hah its hilarious...he'll nail a line and then do his chuckle...and that's even funnier than his usually a win-win situation when you hang wit Jae Kune can buy ur very own "Jae Kune Do" shirt or hoodie at
( it while it's hot...

Dag-Nabit! I just burnt my mouth eating Carne Seca Jalepeño beef jerky...and diet pepsi doesn't make it feel any better...

Finally!!! "Welcome to California"!!!!!!!!!!!! 9:20PM Pacific Time
--oh yea? where are they hosing him down?!

I aint messin wit no broke, broke...

El Pus said it best.."If you frustrated than shake sumpin, break sumpin, if you can't afford it, do a winona and take sumpin..."

Yes we're still truckin...we're about 20 miles from flagstaff, AZ...the vans about to hit 113,000 miles...we are planning on arrive in LA at around 10:30pm Pacific time zone...its 530 pacific now...830pm EST...and I'm so bummed that I'm gonna miss "Lost" tonight...I have popcorn and
everything...but I guess ill just hafta watch it on the internet...

Ps-we just saw the first "In-n-Out" stoked!!!!!!
-when God gives you get a new God!

Everybody's workin for the weekend...

Hahahahahahahahahaha...check the drive by myspace for more pics from this trip or for anything involving drive by...but I'm laughing bc we're driving down route 40 west...and at the last rest stop jae bought 2 important supplies...a switchblade comb, to put that bad hair in
place...maybe during a greaser brawl?..AND...a big and...and a fake titty filled with water...

Finally!!! 1:29PM mountain time... Radio stations just came back...and I believe we just got to albuquerque, New that how you spell it? Its kinda hot here...around 70 degrees...its nice...a change of pace from tennessee's wicked storm...

1:58Pm dance party...Flo-rida featuring T-pain...wish you could witness...we got a routine... pretty sweet...and then poof! The next song is early no doubt...ya gotta love the radio out here in the "middle of nowhere", NM easy

So this was the second gas station stop we made...and I found diet pepsi max for todd...there was only was the last one so they stuck it infront of another flavor....shits weak sen!! Two fuckin gas stations in a row..what r the odds???!!!

I added some pics from this morning and some from yesterday...the scenery ones are new mexico...very empty...nothing for miles...some meth labs, some truck stops, abandon cars...but other than that....not too much

...see you on the other side...

So ihop for breakie this morning was our best IHOP experience ever..usually EVERYONE stares at us and gives us awkward vibes...but this time, ice cube said it best "today was a good day"... we think our waitress was a stripper...bc she was very friend...and asked us to tip her in singles...oh! But while we were eating I realized I wasn't wearing my Claddah ring...and I couldn't find so I bugged right quick...and we jetted back to the motel we stayed at the night before...and I found it...darn thing musta slipped from my fingas while I was busy in my bed being a pirate...but don't worry mom...its all good, chris found it while we combed the whole room...

Ok its 11:58 mountain time...and I just finished my shift...we're in New Mexico...we haven't found it yet but there it is rumored that New Mexicans are dead in the middle of New Spring Break '08...
New Spring Break '08...woooooooooooo!!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hey hey hey

Amarillo, texas...where I lay my head tonight...don't worry bout me tonight...ill be getting some much needed rest...

I just at a pb and jelly sanger that I prepared well as got a nice shower...2 days in a van puts a damper on your nice smell...3 smokers in the van doesn't help..I felt like I had a coat of "bleh" all over me...but not fresh and so danny fitz, fitz...

Ill watch a lil law and order and then pass out...gnite all...finally!
...remember always to have ur pets spade and neutered...

Ps...todd is looking for more pepsi max...we think he figured out how to separate the max from the diet pepsi and is now hustlin the streets of oklahoma selling it under the name "crystal max" a legal alternative to meth...slang words popping up all over include, "tha max", "C.M. Smoothe" and "Daddy Boo Boo"...
-elbow-drop, headlock!

Charlie horse!!

It's roughly hour number 31 in the van...about 200 and change miles to amarillo, tx...and we're are all cracked...a half case of zenedge done...

we were just discussing our mental stability and we realized that todd is probably the most cranked out of all of us..the kid must have polished off roughly a thousand Diet Pepsi Max's...he slept almost as little as the rest of us...all our eyes are red and we look like-well we look like we haven't slept in 31 hours...stop fucking judging us man! Just lay off!! Haha ....but we're suprisingly all still friends...and there was no fighting or raising of the vocal levels...we're still bro-ing down and joking as we were when we first left on this epic journey across the I'd say it's going well and we're making good time...


Traffic, traffic,
Lookin for my chapstick,
Feelin kinda carsick,
There's a ford maverick!

We're in Oklahoma! "Discover the Excellence" is 11:37 am central time zone...time to gas up...

And we're gassed up...and jae just used the word "frucken"...that's not a typo...its "fuckin" with an "r"...he is no longer allowed to use said word...anymore...oklahoma has shitty t-mobile service...
...see you on the other side...


Subway break!! Hell yes!!! Subway club for me...with some onions, banana peppers, olives, pickles, salt/pepper and vinegar...

we're about 20 mins outside oklahama on the arkansas schtick...

Ok so here's the run down..jae and I left v-block(my crib) at 5:40am...picked up todd around 7am...packed up our gear and left jersey city at about 8ish...we've been driving straight through the night and still are truckin...I just finished my 2 hour shift...normally we hit up 4+ hour shifts...but under the cracked out Zen-edge energy drink induced
alertness we take 2 hour shifts incase of the sudden energy crash...we'll be driving til 7pm and most likely end up in Armadillo, ill pass the fuck out after we stop there...
-this pancake is my hand!
...see you on the other side...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who knew that tennessee got hit with horrific snow storms like this...its 12:30am...aka midnight and a half...and we are caught in the blizzard of '08 as we are calling it...interstate 40 west is currently being hit with a crazy snow is forcing Chris "tha bootlegger" Perino to rock a steady 50 mph...that is unheard of...I'd take a pic of him with his hands at "10" and "2" but he's concentrating so hard on seeing through the "whiteout", that I don't wanna distract him...

ill check back later on...this is the start of (day 2)
...see you on the other side...

oh it's me in shotgun!

Todd looks like Frankie Iero...weird

Sleepy Chris P.

Taxi Driver Jae...

Already! This trip has been here's what happened first...we JUST pick up todd...and think of what a city school would look like...before the first class...a bunch of uniformed hooligans
running the streets, jokin, clownin, pickin on girls...the girls talkin about I make a left at a light...and mind you I'm driving a very imposing white sketch van...this group of girls are crossing the street 50 feet in front of me...and while this little schoolgirl is grillin my van hard bc she does not wanna get knocked out by it, what happens? She get clipped by some asshole in a maroon sedan...buckles her shoulder and doesn't say anything...and he leaves...meanwhile 2 cops are at the crosswalk and didn't do anything as if they didn't wanna be bothered...that's Jersey old stomping ground...

Somewhere in PA, we stopped for a "peepee" break...and I guess we should be used to it but we get eyeballed constantly...these mean country trucker lookin dudes...and u can tell they weren't real truckers...they just drive john deer mowers...Drive By LOVES truckers...real ones...but
these guys weren't yea they were mean muggin the cashier watched our every move as if we were gonna steal shit...its awesome...Todd has been called a "faggot" at a gas station before...its like a game...not "getting shot" or "made to squeal like a pig" at truck
stops all over america...not everyone is like that though...we've met some extremely nice people at truck stops...

We just got into west virginia...currently on 81 south...we decided the mid west would have weather way too harsh for our fragile lil van...we'll be hittin up 40 west all the way to California...I'll be keeping you updated on funny stuff that happens as well as weather
updates...and all the fun tour ish that ensues...

Oh! I almost forgot...chris and jae were discussing whether or not we were playing Bamboozle this year in new jersey...chris stated that it was on the 3rd and 4th of may...jae quickly asked "did you say the 3rd and 4th? Or May 34th?"
I guess it is a super leap year...more jae-isms to come...jae just wanted to treat us early...
...see you on the other side...

So...its finaly by is heading out again...first stop Los
Angeles to meet up with our manager and to take some photos as well as
shoot a video for "Boring"...we depart from from Jersey City at around
7Am this morning on Feb. 26th 2008...wish us luck bc we're gonna be
truckin through the night...or so I'm told...and I hear the midwest is
under some serious winter we'll bundle up and head out
onthe open road...

Right now I'm waiting for jae to come out to the van so we get the scoop
Chris P. Cream and then we'll be Ted Prince-bound...

Day 1-
6AM I'm mostly tired...only got 2 hrs of sleep...but on a natural high
from the anticipation...I'm a little hungry but I'm on a
ill stop at the gas station to pick up hot water for my tea...
...see you on the other side...

Monday, February 25, 2008

LA bound...

I'm about to go to sleep, the night before I drive to LA...and I have
this weird feeling...not a good or a bad one...more of a "I hafta do
this" if I were running into a burning building knowing I
may not return but I hafta go in and save a little child...its weird...I kinda makes me sad...but at the same time, proud...i MUST do I've made my peace...I said my goodbyes and now...I must save
the children...if I were george washington, I WOULD save the
children...but not the british children..ha
see you on the other side
Danny McFitzMurder

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rock flag and eagle!

I'm just relaxing right now...watching a documentary on the vietnam
war...very interesting..trying to go over lists of everything I need to
bring for my trip to LA, for our video shoot...I always think I'm
forgeting something...but yes I'm super excited for the long ass drive
from NY to LA...we're leaving tuesday early in the morning...and we're
planning on only taking 3 days to drive...its gonna be rough...but
hey...what in life isn't rough...
I just set my phone ringer, to this dude from the South Georgia Peanuts,
saying Baby, Baby...its hilariously annoying...yet catchy and if u hear
it ull be catch urself saying it over and I'm gonna see how
long I can go before one of the dudes in the van with me just starts
flipping out...ill keep ya posted on they're mental stability during the
baby, baby marathon...if you wanna listen to it, to know what I'm
talking about go to...

U can also download it to your own phone and hit me up and let me know
if ur friends bug out on ya...

I hafta go run some last minute errands for the trip...hope to see some
of you at our upcoming shows with my chemical romance and billy
talent...or even at south by southwest in austin, texas...and/or
bamboozle left in irvine, california

Quick story before I go...My bros and I are just realize that my lil bro
mike sleeps 12 hours a day...and he takes naps around 7PM for around 2
hrs...he sleeps roughly a whole 3 days more a week than a well-rested
functioning human...he takes naps in bulk...its pretty ridiculous...

Thursday, February 21, 2008


i just came across this video and it's probably the most educational peice of work ever...i didn't know all this information about George Washington...the school systems suck these days i guess...

on another note...i'm super stoked...i'm leaving within a week to drive to Californ-I-A...LA to be exact...That's where Drive By will be shooting a video for our song "Boring" which is a track off our new record, entitled 'A Delicate Situation'...and then from there we will jump on a tour with My Chemical Romance and Billy Talent...we won't make it to NY or NJ on that tour but we'll be in PA...

Mar 28: Tempe, AZ @ Tempe Music Festival**
Mar 29: Tucson, AZ @ Rialto Theatre
Mar 30: Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint
Apr 3: San Francisco, CA @ Warfield Theatre**
Apr 6: Irvine, CA @ The Bamboozle Left**
Apr 8: Portland, OR @ Crystal Ballroom
Apr 11: Magna, UT @ The Great Salt Air Theatre
Apr 13: Denver, CO @ The Fillmore Auditorium**
Apr 15: Kansas City, KS @ Memorial Hall
Apr 17: Chicago
Apr 19: Detroit, MI @ The Fillmore at State Theatre
Apr 28: Austin, TX @ Stubbs Amphitheater
May 6: Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory

those are the dates that i know of right now...they're always subject to keep checking back to our myspace for current updates...i was also told that our cd may be released secretly early on iTUNES...i'll let you know the sneakiness when i hear the definately plans...

i love you all and stay classy!!
Danny Fitz

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snowboard rail park...chris is in the open
jam...we're looking for parking which always sucks in the city that
never nyc if u see a spot to park at...its not realy a
spot...its a fire hydrant, or a bus stop...its pretty shitty...and I
just saw a dog with three legs being walked by a man who looked like
hiro nakumora from 'heroes'...pretty awesome... was fun as hell...I was in nyc watching snowboarders
hit rails...and I met some cool kids who r gonna teach me to
chris p. Cream and I are now driving back home from nyc...thinkin of
what to do tonight...its up in the air...we'll see what happens...but
for now...its all West Side Highway and beastie boys, "boomin granny"

kick it!

Oh, crisp and clean...I'm currently riding shotgun in
jae-kune do's pimp ride down to jersey to get ted prince...chris P.
Cream is in the back loungin as he oughta be...we're rockin out to blink
182...yea we're throwin it back on the garden state parkway...incase you
were wondering how we do..."that is how we do"...

Jae and I are discussing how funny the show "scrubs" really is...I was
watching the second season last night with ken doggy run and boobie
milds...both of which have shirts that you can buy at my 'Danny Fitz
Anywhow...the show is hyterical and u should get down on some when you
get a minute...fuck it, ill even join ya...

--Cream get da money!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Skittles...chocolate and orange soda!

so we stopped at the local party store around the corner from our rehearsal space in the Dirty Jersry...and Todd picked up a bag of 'Chocolate flavored skittles'...something is wrong about em...I feel cheated out of something...whether its being cheated out of the
delicious, sweet and tangy skittle flavor, or its the lack of chocolatiness of the the
chocolatey texture...its funny how flavored things don't contain anything
involving the flavored candy don't contain any
orange...nor do they taste like 'an orange'...they taste like "orange
flavor", which we're fooled into associating with the 'pop' is made up of orange 'flavor', corn syrup and sprinkles of elvis' left sideburn...and its the

I was happy! thinking about orange soda makes me so...But then...bezingo!!...what's up with lotto at gas stations, or party stores where they sell drinks and bags of chips...its takes forever...I mean, c'mon...step aside, u aint gonna win anyways...I just wanna pay for my food...
its bad enough they ran out of Diet Pepsi Max(which is rocket fuel for my body)...but then the
jerkface-head in front me decides they need 27 seperate lotto
tickets...all printed seperately...that really 'grinds my gears' haha

I'm really not a hateful person...I use to have my moments of rage but I've calmed in days...I just started reading a book called "how to make friends and influence people" - by Dale Carnegie...I suggest u check it out because it's an easy read and its extremely insightful...the book tells stories of people with "people skills" sounds kind weird but it really is a good book...
-what the french, toast?