i know i know...it's been really long...I've been dealing with some shit and I'm finally getting my head right...slowly but surely...I'll be back soon...i get depressed EVERY winter...some worse than others...I'm clinically depressed...it's not like one thing that gets me this way..it's a chemical imbalance in my head..and with the help of friends and a strong vision of the future and the things i want to take with my from this life, I'll survive...I'll survive like i always do...26 years...and I'm still surviving...whodathunk...
we're back playin shows...which is my cure...i missed this so much...i missed the feeling of being in front of people and making them happy...that makes me happy...there is no bigger joy then being joy for someone else..i was there...i was once the lil nerdy kid with glasses, thinkin he was super rad b/c he snuck some beers before a concert, and now he's standing in front of a band that is making him feel something inside...and it's not the booze he feels...it's an emotion that has never been named...it's something you can't name b/c it's different in everyone...it's music...it makes you move...it' moves you...it makes you think thoughts...it makes you happy, it makes you angry, it makes you sad, it makes you miss the past, it makes you hopeful of the future...it makes YOU, well, you...
tonight...ah yes...tonight...chris was shredding so hard...he literally caught his gear on fire...it was absolutely ridiculous...we caught a hint of burnt cabbage, Todd made a joke about his neighborhood smelling, and then whoosh!! chris' monitor caught flames and Jae...of course jumped to the rescue...roadhouse kick after roundhouse kick...trying to fight the fire...didn't do any good so we had to unplug it and dump water on the flames...someone should teach Jae that roundhouse kicks on add oxygen to the flames and make them strong...silly Jae...leave the firefighting to the trained professionals...i, on the other hand was run and shoving and pushing woman and children out of the way of the first exit i saw...it was a rush, for sure...and our next song we played just happened to be a cover of a JAWBREAKER song...entitled "Fireman"...ironic!
OK...it's shower time...and I'm gonna catch some ZZzzz's .... g'nite all...be excellent to each other..
Monday, December 29, 2008
i hope it gives you HELL, hope it gives you HELL...CLUB HELL
Monday, December 1, 2008
kill the cac-a-roach...
OK...so i finished the book Twilight...you can call me names or poke your lil fun at me all you want...but guys, if you're reading this...chicks dig guys who read twilight...i read it b/c all my lady friends were telling me how amazing it was...i assumed it was a chick flick with words, and i shied awake from those demands...but i was bored one night so i asked to borrow a copy and i started on my journey through Forks, Washington. The book is an easy quick read...it's easy to get into and it's written well...very descriptive and deep...it's also very sexy...haha...all in all i was into it...call me what you will...i enjoyed 'twilight'...and now, i have an army of girls that will beat your ass down for hatin on me...up next is 'New Moon'
what the hell is going on in India? that's some brutal ish...my prayers go out to everyone over there...but please...the media has to stop...stop calling events like that tragedies...they're not...
noun- a sudden violent event that brings about great loss or destruction
1. a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing the downfall of a great man
2. a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror
3. the literary genre of tragic dramas
neither of which are technically considered tragedies...a sudden event would be a natural disaster such as an earthquake, or tornado, or a bear attack...those are tragic events...they're sudden and not planned...there is no agenda, no contemplating methods of destruction...the attacks in Mumbai, India are just that...attacks..they were planned out...if a bear attacked the Taj Mahal Hotel and took hostages and started asking for all American and British nationals...or an earthquake hit the Mumbai Jewish center and somehow held bags of grenades and AK's(which isn't possible b/c earthquakes don't have hands to hold bags)...then i would agree...but i feel that calling it a tragedy is somewhat 'dumbing' down the urgency of the situation...to me, a tragedy is done, the people involved deal with it and it's in the media for 5 mins on a quick story and then everyone forgets...those groups are still out there after this event...once the media stops covering it and the effect of the word 'tragedy' withers, we'll all forget about the people responsible...they'll lay dormant until we forget and then they'll bomb and murder another city, looking for Americans...do you feel safe with them still hiding somewhere?...you can agree or not..but it's not really up for discussion...this is my blog...go start your own if you want to talk ha ha...but seriously...even in India we're being targeted by these terrorist groups...so tell me...who wants to travel the world with me...?
Jae's a hero!!!! I don't know if you all know this about Jae...but the other day Jae was coming home from dinner and we saw some flames billowing out from his neighbor's garage...he ran to his house and yelled for someone to call 911...and then his dad and he ran into the burning building...his dad with a fire extinguisher in hand fighting the fire...Jae had another weapon of fire destruction...he started throwing, what some would say to be, the fastest right left punching combo with the occasional left footed roundhouse kick...ever...if there was a measure to how awesome it was he would have been in the record books...Jae's punches didn't actually put out any fire as he though they would...but the real firemen got there and put em out, saving the rest of the house from burning down...and although it wasn't Jae's punches that got him the victory this time...it was his quick thinking to get some to call 911...he did put on quite the show for the other neighbors with his lightening fast hands and thunderous kicks...Jae, we thank you for keeping out streets clean...you deserve a medal brother...he was in the paper...headlines read "Local Drummer Boy, Fast Hands, Quick Thinking Saves a Westchester Home from Fire"...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ya gotta pay the troll-toll, to get in that boys hole...?
ha ha...I can't stop quoting last weeks Always Sunny in Philadelphia's season finale...it was absolutely incredible...extremely inappropriate...but hysterical...i honestly don't know how they think of material for the show, but whoever is in charge is a genius b/c I have yet to be disappointed...the reinvention of the Day-man vs. Night-man saga continues, this time acted out by the gang. If you don't remember Day, and Night-man...they were introduced in season 3 when the Gang starts a band...and write a song which makes it into the musical Charlie makes in the season 4 finale...it'll get stuck in your head for weeks...I guarantee it...
here's the lyrics to one of the songs in the music...
"Day Man" - by the Electric Dream Machine
Day Man
Fighter of the Night Man
Champion of the sun
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone
Day Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Fighter of the Night Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Champion of the sun (Aah-aah-aah)
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone (repeat)
here's a shitty clip from their band...but here are the lyrics in case you wanna sing along with Charlie..
"Nightman"- the Electric Dream Machine
Night Man, sneaky and mean
Spider inside my dreams
I think I love you
You make me wanna cry
You make me wanna die
I love you, I love you, I love you,
I love you, I love you
Night Man
Every night you come into my room
And pin me down with your strong arms
You pin me down, and I try to fight you
You come inside me
You fill me up
And I become the Night Man...
It's just 2 men sharing the night
It might seem wrong but it's just right
It's just 2 men sharing each other
It's just 2 men like loving brothers
One on top and one on bottom
One inside and one is out
One is screaming, he's so happy
The other's screamin' a passionate shout
It's the Night Man
I'm feeling so wrong and right, man
I'm feeling so wrong and right, man
I can't fight you, man
When you come inside me
And pin me down with your strong hands
And I become the Night...
The passionate, passionate Night Man
here's a teaser to make you wanna watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia
In other news...Drive By just played a show in Hoboken, NJ...its was a fun night fill with rock and roll and karate, for everyone...we unleashed a new cover that we've kept hidden for sometime now and Hoboken no longer exists...the whole place blew up, mid-encore...all that was left were four strapping young men...those men...DRIVE BY...sorry about the wreckage and debris...that's my oops...but i guess it's true what they say...you can't bottle up that much awesome into one city and not have it combust into awesomeness clouds of great...that's what they say ya know...El Bandito told me that...he saw it on the news i think...anyways..thanks to everyone who came out to the show and hung out and danced...I'm gonna go check out the 2-hour episode of '24' that i missed b/c i was kickin some ass in hoboken...i heard it was good and my bro DVRed it for me...so if you need me, I'll be in my cave...i also kinda wanna see yesterday's NY JETS game...J-E-T-S! JETS! JETS! JETS! ....congrats to them for man-handling the Tennessee Titans...if you didn't know the Titans were undefeated until the Jets went to their house and slapped their mama's around...34-13 was the score...rock on NY...
see y'all soon...
PS...is it weird that i started reading 'Twilight'?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Danny Partridge...you're my hero...
i'm watching a documentary on Danny Bonaduce...he's an incredible person...he's had a messed up life for sure...but he doesn't hide it...he's not in denial...he just said, "ya know those situations you get in, where you say to yourself 'this will be funny in 20 years'? well I was in those situations and I thought they were funny then" ...he was talking about life after the Partridge Family when he was homeless and living next to a dumpster in LA off Hollywood Blvd and he would sign autographs...homeless...the celebrity tour buses would stop by his dumpster and point him out as part of their tour...and he laughed at the whole situation...he's my hero...at rock bottom the dude is still making the best of it...he's such an awesome character...i just love how honest he is..he's a real dude...
i'm psyched for our show on Sunday (nov. 23rd) at Maxwells in Hoboken, NJ ...you comin? let me know...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pa-pa...Pants Man!!!
OK...enough about my political views...and yours...I'm not over it, but, i hate to talk about Religion, Politics, and Yo Mama...b/c there is no winner...i like to win...that's why i always make bets with my boy Boobie...b/c he's stubborn and is generally wrong ha ha...he's gonna kill me for saying that...not b/c I'm talking smack..but mainly b/c EVERYONE is gonna start betting him on everything and he's gonna lose tons of money...
My brother, Mike, and I were bored last night and he found this Japanese 'toilet training' video...it's absolutely amazing and now I don't make wee-wee piss-piss in my diapers anymore...i use a big toilet with a face that talks to me...watch the whole video..the end is classic but you need the build-up to make it worth your while...
check it
what did you think?
remember...Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ on November 23rd...www.maxwellsnj.com for info on the Drive By show...be there...or be square...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank you 'biggest fan' for your feedback...read it fully
This is a response to a comment i received...
"Obama isn't paying their bills like he said he would"
So you know what’s going to happen in the future? You know for a fact that Obama isn’t going to follow through with what he’s said?
i've watched interviews of people who voted for Obama...people actually think that Obama is gonna pay their bills, and childcare...he's not...that's not in the president's job description...and yes...i KNOW for a fact that he will NOT be able to pay everyones bills...that's just ridiculous...
"but so did Hitler"
You just compared a man who wants to help this country in ways that he knows how to a man that killed over 6 million people based on their religion, physical disabilities, and their jobs. I fail to see the connection there.
you obviously know NOTHING about history..maybe you haven't gotten to that part in school...you'll get there though...soon enough...the Germans were in crisis and Hitler promised to pull Germany out of their depression..they believed everything he said...hence the ability to rise to power and lead his German's to war...the connection is that people blindly followed promises...without asking questions...I'm not saying Obama is gonna murder everyone...I'm saying no one questioned Obama, much like Hitler's rise to power...
"he somehow resembles George W. Bush? is THAT racist?"
No. The ways in which he resembles Bush are in the way he voted on subjects. The majority of the time, him and Bush were in agreement. People were ready to have Bush out of office, and McCain was not that difference that they wanted. And how is McCain and Bush voting the same way being racist?
McCain and Bush are not the same guy...they voted on a lot of things b/c they believe in America...Bush, believe it or not has protected this country for 7 years after 9-11...or did you forget? that we were attacked...guess so...most people did...it's OK...do you know each thing that they voted on in the same manner? i don't personally, but I'm sure Obama would've voted the same way in a bunch of em...the war on Iraq is 1 subject...and 'my opinion' is that the war is necessary...i respect your father for being in the military...i have and have lost friends due to there involvement in the war...they enlisted to protect this country and they ALL believe in what they're doing...but everyone has a different view...i don't hate you for yours...but we don't share the same views...i sure as hell don't think it would be effective to wave a white flag...and yes if i hear 'we can't elect another old white man into office', i believe that to be a racist statement (coming from anyone from any race) you're taking my words and taking them out of context...you sound like the media...it's pretty impressive...
"and people only dislike Palin b/c of her accent, and the fact that Tina Fay can look identical to her and make herself look stupid"
No, Tina Fey did not make Palin look like an idiot. She did that to herself, Fey just made it a bit funnier.
Have you seen Palin's thoughts on foreign policy?
She thinks that just because she lives in Alaska it better qualifies her to understand it.
i personally don't think she looks like an idiot...i don't see where you're getting any of that from...that's an opinion on her character...not fact...and do tell me...which parts of her foreign policy do you not like? or is it just that she's from Alaska?
'Guiliani of the way North West'
This I don’t know anything about. But I also don’t live in the northwest.
And I looked it up, and if you were talking about Rudy Giuliani, you spelled his name wrong.
my blogs are all typed as thoughts...my spelling is sometimes overlooked...leave it to me to be spell-checked by a 9th grader...she actually cleaned up corrupt politicians in Alaska...much like Giuliani cleaned up New York...i personally believe Giuliani would've been the best president in this election...but his views on abortion didn't hold up as a republican candidate this time around...BUT he would've been somewhere on the McCain team..when you elect a president you elect a team..or did you not learn that yet in school?
"Mr. Barrack's"
Maybe you aren’t happy about it, but he is now the president of the country you are a citizen of. At least spell his name correctly
once again..thanks for the spell check...
When you make claims about someone, you need to make sure you have legit sources for all of this.
And I know that some of this is opinion. But some is fact and can be backed.
all of this is opinion based on facts...this blog is not meant to stir fights...it's meant for me to get my thoughts out...you can read or you can close the website...that's up to you...i could've deleted your comment...instead i read it and responded with my thoughts...that's why I'm here...thank you for reading and i hope my views on the President don't discourage you from reading...i love feedback...thank you again...
Now, everything I just told you came from a 15 year old who never really followed each candidate because I can’t vote. But I have defended both parties from various parties, so I have at least an idea about what’s going on.
And just to throw in some of my opinion. I did choose who I supported for selfish reasons. Obama said he would put a plan to take troops from Iraq. While I don’t know for fact that he will do this, I put my faith in the fact that he would. But if McCain had said that he would take troops out ASAP, I would have supported him in an instant.
I do not want to see my dad going back to the Middle East to fight a war that I don’t know why we are fighting.
Its time for innocent people on both sides of the war to stop dying for un-justified reasons
Tell your dad that I thank him for what he's doing...and I send support...Drive By and I support our troops to the fullest...stay safe
Danny Fitz
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"I'm sorry that I kinda laughed...at the sparks that spread the flames..." - Less Than Jake
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Green Man!!
Drive By is headlining a show November 23rd...at Maxwell's in Hoboken, NJ...with the Bigger Lights and Street Crime...i hope you all come out to see us...it'll be a fun night...jae will be giving out free hugs...i charge $1.50...
my puppy is soooooo cute...and i'm so stoked on her...its a lady...i don't know what her name is yet though...but my other doggie, Kali, and my new puppy, let's call her Fetch, are best friends lol..they follow eachother everywhere...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Naughty Obama's Mamma! haha
i gotta stop droppin off the face of the earth...don't you think? Internet has been sketchballs where I'm staying so it's pretty much hit or miss...
Right now I'm sitting on my couch with my brother, and we're both on laptops looking for kickass names for a new puppy we're getting...we were gonna name his 'Garage Dog'...b/c that's just badass...but then we started brainstorming...this is the working list...
Lil Lebowski
Goldie Wilson
Mac Fry
Buford 'Maddog' Tannen
Griff Tannen
Douglas J. Needles
Marvin Berry
Seamus McFly
Abe Froman
Edward Rooney
as you can see we're thinking back to all our fave movies...we JUST started so the list is small...but i can not have an awesome lil scrappy dog with a name like 'Angel'...that's fruity...but i'll get a picture up...aw hell...i'll put one up now...how cute is he?
we're still in the application process but it's looking good...we're actually adopting him...let me know if you have any other cool names that you could get to me before the deadline...that would be rad... if you'd like to adopt a puppy or a kitten of your own check out www.ny-petrescue.org ...i don't know if it's only a New York but i'm sure there is some kind of animal adoption agency near you...save a cute pup and give em a home...don't be a jerk...jerk!
in other news...my brother, John, the Playing for Peanuts guy, has been camped out Best Buy for 15 years for "Chinese Democracy" the yet to be released Guns 'n' Roses album...they JUST released their first single entitled 'Chinese Democracy...i heard one of their songs on ROCKBAND 2...but he hasn't stopped talking about it since he woke up...AND i just came across nude pics of Barack Obama's mom...gross...and apparently Frank Marshal Davis took the picture...look him up...he's a communist...but once again...gross...haha i'll never be able to look at Barack again...ew!!! gross!!! if you wanna see, click, Little Green Football
AAhhh...autumn is here...i love it...the smells, the pumpkin flavored everything...the leaves...it's my fave season...the other night i was home bored...i got home from band practice at 5 and took quick nap that turned into a 2 hour sleep session...and that kept me awake all night...so come midnight i was the only one awake...so i took a walk...it was so peaceful, no cars out except for the police that kept stopping me and asking what i was doing...i walked from my house to this bar that I used to frequent...i still go but i don't drink nearly as much...but they were close at 1AM, if you did the math it took me an hour and 10 mins to get from my house to the bar...but it was a sweet walk...then i decided to take a different route home...I got stopped twice more, and then the cops just honked and waved everytime they passed after that...they thought it was funny that i was walking...my quick walk turned into a 5 mile trek...through woods, main roads, back roads and cemetary...generally people would be freaked out to have to walk through a cemetary at night...they do have ghost stories about that but i have a different understanding...i grew up in a cemetary...and i still to this day live in a cemetary...it might be why i LOVE ghost related stuff...
i gotta go...i have a playoff softball game tonight...that's right...when i'm home i STILL help out my friend's team...and I brought us to the playoffs...woohoo...let's go Finnegans!!!!!!
ok...remember...throw some awesome dog names my way...I'll post the name we chose when we get the dog...and oh yea...go give a lost animal a home...they just need love...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
i'm away from my computer...killing you...
hey hey hey...it's been a while...or a thug-life minute...depends on who ya ask...what are you doing? right now. Are you making the most of you time? I'm not...i'm wasting time watching funny ass videos with my sister Maureen...haha here's the one we're watching right now...
for some reason i can't post videos yet...but go to youtube.com ... search for 'Brak' ... and then check out "I like hubcaps"
i'm involved in an ongoing game called Assassins..it's fun..you should get your friends together and get your own version...it's mainly played in colleges but you can make your own rules...here's a blog my friends and i are keep while we play to keep track of the progress of the game... click HERE for the Assassin's Blog...
Drive By has some things comin up...i can't wait to get the definate plans and spill the secrets to all of you...so just be patient...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ya Gotta Relieve!
ugh...miserable...if you know anyone that talks about sports...they have probably mentioned the NY Mets collapsed again...year 2...second year in a row that the Mets on the 162nd game...last game of the season...the Mets fall to the Florida Marlins...and are nixed from the Post-season...i was at the game yesterday with two of my brothers, John and Mike, and my friend Boobie...although the Mets lost, and that was absolutely miserable, I DID get to meet Wally Backman...which was sweet...i've been watching him on my brother's TV show, Playing for Peanuts, over and over again...and he's such an awesome dude...if you wanna know what i mean check him out at www.playingforpeanuts.com ...
anyways...I got to see the Mets lose the LAST GAME EVER at SHEA STADIUM...it's such an historic event...in my life...in any Met fan's life...and Queens, NY...and i got the chance to see it...i saw the last pitch ever...thrown by hall of famer, Tom Seaver and caught by future hall of famer, Mike Piazza...so as miserable as the team is NOW...i got to witness the end of an era...and it was magical...
now it's time to move on...Let's Go Dodgers!! Joe Torre baby!! the Brooklyn Bums...
what are you all up to? let me get some feedback...jerk
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm a PC
so the Mets are now 2 games back in the Division, and 1 game back in the Wild Card...if you don't know what that means than you're missing out...it's a pennant race in September...and that's just exciting...my dad went to the game today and is watching in the rain..he took an old high school friend that he hasn't seen in a really long time to the game...they used to go to game when they were kids and thought it be the right time being that tomorrow is the last game ever at shea stadium...given they don't make the playoffs..so i guess it technically the last regular season game at Shea...I will be at the sold out game tomorrow...the LAST game...my brother, Mike, and my boy Boobie are coming with me and i'm sooooo gonna lean over the fence and scoop me some Shea Stadium dirt...we got so lucky too...my uncle had 4 tickets from his company seats and they're on field level...which means...we're pretty much on the field...we're also debating meeting up with my oldest brother, John, and the star of his TV show and former NY Met, Wally Backman, for some brunch before the game...Wally will be in town for all the festivities in Queens...my brothers Playing for Peanuts blog is HERE...
ya'll need to check out this blog...it's the greatness...The Mets Blog...
so yea...i'm a PC...and i'm really getting the hang of my new computer...and i just uploaded a pic of my new tattoo...yes that's right...my moms said it was cute...haha...well there he is...his name is Boo, by the way...
i gotta go shower and watch the rest of the Mets horrific season...talk to you later on...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jailhouse Rock...
weird things are happening with my blog...I have an email address setup through blogspot.com where i can email from my phone and posts are posted instantly from the road...apparently that email is getting SPAM mail sent to it...I'm looking into it b/c that's just B.S. with a capital B and a capital S...i'm still trying to get my video blog up and running...and i'm still trying to get Rock Band 2...i also heard there is a Ghostbusters game comin out...so stoked...
So many good TV series out now...Heroes vol 3, Always sunny in Philadelphia (so good), Fringe, Sons of Anarchy, and last but not least...the Office starts today!!!!!!
moving foward...
i'm home right now...drinkin pumpkin spice coffee...awaiting yet another NY Mets collapse...i'm half rooting for them, still...and half hoping they fail...miss the playoffs...and get Wally Backman as a manager next year...i'm sooooo pissed that they gave Omar Minaya (GM) a 4 year contract...he's a peice of "S" and is completely destroying all that is the Mets...the New York Mets will ALWAYS be the junior varsity New York baseball team...they should stay that way...they should be the scrappy dudes, biting and kicking 5 holes to get to the playoffs and the underdogs will come around...eventually...1986 was just that...they were the "bad guys"...get a bunch of young, hungry scrappers...that's the New York Mets...incase you were wondering...if Jerry Manuel comes back as manager next year i'm straight up changing teams...i'll probably follow the LA Dodgers...they're technically still a New York team...spawning from Brooklyn, NY...former Yankee manager, Joe Torre manages as Don "Donnie Baseball" Mattingly is the hitting coach...and i'm a HUGE fan of Manny Ramirez...he's just bad ass...so i won't feel too bad jumpin on the LA train...
we'll see what's going on...talk to you later...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Help me out!
my boy Jon is in a contest...his recording jam Cogent Recordings has a project at www.hobnox.com ...go to the site ...sign up on all your email addresses...so you can vote a bunch...everyday before 6pm...that would be rad...so you sign up...click browse contestants...then search for Cogent Recording...and vote...he said if he wins he'll throw me a party...so let's get this goin...and going strong...thanks you all...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia...every dirty thursday...so we can quote it together...
howdy...where have you been?
I've been around...but I no longer have a sidekick so it's harder for me to blog unless I'm at a computer...which is a problem I recently fix...i won a used HP Pavilion dv1000 in a game of chance...heres how the story goes:
I was in my friends basement...he was having a sweet rager (aka drinking party)...i found myself drinking too much (water) so I felt I should slow down, i was driving that night, mind you. Beer was flowing like beer and ping pong balls were flying like unicorns...you would think the story ends here, because I'm a professional beer pong player, well a retired one but still, my skills are unmatchable...that's for sure...so one would assume I'd pick up the ball, bounce it lightly on the makeshift ply wood board sprawled across two wooden horses, crank it back like soulja boy and let the ball go soaring, following an arch of fantastical portions and angles only to splash deep inside that red solo cup filled with delight, barley, oh yes, and some hops as well...sending the opponents home, heads slung low, egos destroyed...losing a part of themselves that night...me walking away with a sweet HP Pavilion dv1000...but no...that is not how this story went down my friend...not at all...the story starts with an Xbox360 console...a friend named Tommy...and a game you could only buy at Burger King...this said game involves bumper cars, a puck, and the King himself...Tommy chose to be Whopper JR...a good choice indeed...but he was no match for my Subservient Chicken...triple deeks, knuckle pucks and the buzzer sounded...I had won the bumpercar hockey game...roses rained down on the ice as i did my 'subservient chicken dance'...it was glorious...I really wish you could've been there...Tommy then gave me his old computer...it had nothing to do with the game...he just said it didn't work and if i wanted to fix it I could have it...so I did just that...I brought that ish home and got it working and now, this sweet black HP Pavilion is how i write to you today...and spread the words of victory!! VICTORY!!!
anywho...i want to get rockband 2...that's number one in my life right now...i heard it's amazing and i hear that the new Guns n Roses song is rediculous...we're figuring out where and when tours will take place...as for life...it's good...it's a choose your own adventure and i'm making new paths...come play with me in my journey...I'll be blogging more and taking pics on my new sweet Sprint Rumor phone, and hopefully ya'll will love it...if you don't...then get bent...because i don't rightly care...I do this for me...and the people who want to read it...i don't do it for haters...that means you...yea you...the one reading this...jerk...stop reading...no not you...you can read if you'd like...but YOU in the back hating on all my words...wondering how i knew you were reading this..yea you stop it right now...eh...eh eh...ok good...now that they're gone...i'm gonna end this on a positive note...
well maybe not a note...but a lyric that inspires me today...it's by a group that goes by the name El Pus...it goes like this
"Rock, rock ya'll...to the beat cha'll...elephants got big dirty feet cha'll"
take from it what you will...
Love always...
Danny Fitz
post script (that's what P.S. stands for...b-t-dubbs)
if there is anything you want to know about me just ask...send me a message on my myspace...my personal myspace, not the bands...i'll answer questions in my blogs...not all of them...i have the power to pick and choose...but if you're question is good enough i'll answer...
i'm also trying to figure out how to vid blog from the road...I think that would be a cool idea...don't you?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wizard Cat gives the NY METS 3 wands for being 1st place!
as you can probably see, I've taken a short break from blogging...please be patient...I WILL be back and blogging more often...but as for right now it's hard for me to get my hands on a computer...who would have thunk it? it's 2008 and I can't seem to get my hands on a computer...weird...but anyways...hope all is well with everyone...I'll be back as soon as I can...be sure to check out the Danny Fitz Store...there is a couple new shirts... "You're Boring" and "iLL Son"...
Toodles all you ROFLZOOKAs!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"I promised I'd write you a song...it's called 'Your Favorite One'..."
I need to find out what deja vu means...not the meaning of it but if it means something is gonna happen because on this tour I've been getting it constantly...and I don't know what's happening...ill be on stage playing and ill look around and I KNOW I've seen facial expressions, or a certain settings or noises....I know I've seen or heard it before...or someone will have a convo and I have already heard it...weird?
One pic is my new hat...it WAS chris' but it was too big...and yes...its ninja turtles!!! The other pic is me after our last show..completely exhausted...
...danny fitz...
Monday, August 25, 2008
"my clothes smell like B.O. and I think I may have pissed myself in sleep lastnight..." (someone said that)
I've been looking for this movie for what seems like forever now...its called "Ken park" and it done by the guy that made the movie "Kids", and its supose to my completely messed up and twisted and disturbing...and we walked into shop in Tampa and poof there it was..like a magical
I also just got new specticle...
...danny fitz...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Beach Party!
I also found a wallet...and Matt Davis had left his whole life on the beach just laying there on the beach...Todd and I called his boss with a number we found on a business card behind his social secrity card...we prolly coulda stole his identity bc he looked like chris but Drive By is a band of good dudes...so we met up with him and he got his life back...good deed of the day...
...danny fitz...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Playing for Peanuts...check it out...IMPORTANT BLOG!!!
I'm posting this to help my brother John promote the show, feel free to do the same, customize it for your self. (Remove this part of the message...and send it to everyone you know and everywhere you post...thanks!!!)
Playing for Peanuts is television show about independent minor league baseball. It has been in production for over a year, aired (in part) on the Comcast network this past summer. It is finally finished and ready for release.
Playing for Peanuts will be released on the internet on September 1st. At that time, each episode will cost about $2 to download. In order to test the process and to promote the show John has asked me to circulate a free download of the first episode.
To receive the free download, go to this website:
Enter the code: V3D4TDG99Y and click submit.
You will see 5 files there to download...
"Playing for Peanuts" Episode 1 in small & large (280mb) * versions. If you don't mind a small screen the smaller file downloads faster. You can try both.
three mp3 audio versions of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
*The video file is large (280mb). It may take as long as 20 minutes on some T1 and cable connections.
The videos are Quicktime files that can be played on i-pods and i-phones as well as computers.
The entire show runs 23 minutes including three very short commercials and several well timed bleeps.
If you watch it, let me know what you think and feel free to send this email around. The same code will work for everyone, anytime. Click the video link below for more info.
Thank you
Playing for Peanuts
...danny fitz...
Monday, August 18, 2008
"Yea....you write it down..."
They say the early bird gets the worm...this early bird is goin to get a
tired...I woke up and remembered all the events from last night as I
read back on Danny Fitz's blog...its a nice read...you should check it
out sometime...buy a shirt even from his zazzle.com/iamfitz store....ya know help him get an iced coffee while out on the road...just a thought...
I'm ready, chris is nearing his readiest point of the day and Todd is brushing his teeth...lets do this!
...danny fitz...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
sleep...gnite ya'll!
...danny fitz...
Uh oh...
And...we just popped a trailor tire on the way back to Hunter's house...
Chris is throwing his keys in air bc apparently the bats like to swoop at them...and he's trying to catch pictures of them when they attack his keys in the air...I'm currently running away from chris...
...danny fitz...
"I've been sleepin for a week..."
After the show we rolled an hour and a half to our boy Hunter's house...and we broke out the Rockband, of course, and we shredded til roughly 4 AM...by the Todd was asleep and could here the tapping of TIMMY AND THE LORDS OF THE UNDERWORLD, and the sweet soothing sounds of Jae's Bon Jovi impression...wish you were here...lol
Today we played Richmond, VA...the other bands were rad, and the people here are awesome...there is a Buffalo Wild Wings next door and you know how I feel about that...before I tell you about how I feel... Jae's brother Russel is here!!....he lives down here and comes to hang when we roll through his crib...back to how I feel about Buff Wild Wings...I feel great...ha...so yea the venue is called the Canal Club...and they made us Spaghetti and meatballs...and I don't know why I capitalized the "s" in spaghetti, but I'm far too deep into this sentence to go and change it..so you're gonna hafta deal with it...
We're now driving back to Hunter's house to watch the Roast of Bob Saget...and play Rockband...of course...
...danny fitz...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
"I'm not on the spot, I'm totally improv" - Jae
Good morning...I just woke up in the back bench of the van...the way-way back....it was a weird sleep...it was kinda hot...and we picked the busiest rest stop ever...I woke up around 5 am to buy some m&m's, peanut of course, and in my half sleep/walk adventures I stumble upon a dance party between two SUV's...roadtrip families were piggin out on premade sangers(sandwiches), and doin the twist...so...of course I got my eagle on and then continued to the M&M's...and then I fell back asleep...
And here I am...stuck in beach traffic on interstate 95 southbound
...danny fitz...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Golf ball hail?
...danny fitz...
Let's do this...
Its about that time again...we've been home for a lil bit and now its time...we leave today... southbound...down the eastcoast...its touring time for Drive By...and I'm smiling...I love the feeling I get when I'm about to go on a new adventure...that's what it is...an adventure...its more than a roadtrip, or a show...its tour...its both, mixed with a gaggle of rest stops and funny smells, and even a pickled egg or maybe a 3 lb bag of beef jerky...its F'n tour...keep checkin back and ill keep you updated on all the scandal and mischief...the road is a B-I-itch my friend...but its the only road I know...
Ill be back...
...danny fitz...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
And the Go GettaZ take home the gold this year!!! What do you know about that?? That's just the life of a Go Getta! WE WON! We took first place yesterday, not only for the season but in the playoffs as well...it was the Beer League World Series in my hometown and my team, the Go GettaZ, brought home two trophies...we dominated the competition in a 5-1 victory...and I aquired a total of 12 wands, says Wizard Cat...
So I can't seem to get this song out of my head...it's by a Canadian playa named SNOW...and the song is called "Informer" and it's such an awesome throwback but it's ridiculous catchy and I haven't slept in days since my boy gave me a cd with it on it...if you know the song than you know what I'm saying and if you don't know the song...well get your ass to itunes.com OR just go to www.freenapster.com and search for it...freenapster will let you listen to any song for free, for a short period of time...
I came home last night and it was raining so I decided it was best to run from the car to the door...and as I turned a corner there was a skunk waiting at the bottom of my steps and I don't know how it exactly happened but I pulled some crazy as jump/spin/backflip move and avoided the spray...and then I continued to scream like a little girl and ran around to the other side of my house...tiptoe-ing around the darkness to make sure not to startle the skunk a second time b/c I gave myself shinsplints and another backflip was not in the cards...the outside of my house stunk of skunk and luckily I was not covered in the smell...I'd say luck was on myside...
oh!!!! and my sister, Maureen, has a friend who makes clothes and they're rad...he gave me a shirt and I'm diggin it hardcore...Hectic Clothing...when I get more info on the company I'll update you but for now here's a pic...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
"Happy birthday to me...and you look like one too!!!"
Ouchies...I haven't drank in a really long time...well, almost for months...not bc I thought I was turning into a lush, but just bc I was over it...and wanted to...but yesterday was my birfday and I decided I would go out with some friends and have a few...a few drinks turned into a dance party and a little Rockband competition...lets just say my 96 percent/126 note streak was no match for the other crew of peeps that my boy Ken Doggy Run brought..haha so Dibenz, DoggyRun and I rocked a little "Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria...and we hit it hard and won the crowd over quickly...people were chanting "Drive By" haha ...we slammed the last noted and I tossed my drumsticks to the crowd(my friend Boobie[he threw his bra on stage])...and Dibenz shatter his rockband wireless guitar through a jukebox all in the name of rock and roll while Kenny took out his lighter fluid and set his ax ablaze...I don't know if I just lied a little, someone would hafta read that back to me...but lets just say we killed it...I was on Hard-mode...which is the equivalent to B-difficulty...anyone know that "that" means? So yea, these new cats we were hangin with were all like...rockband = awesome so they jump on and I knew I was in trouble when they picked a little Blue Oyster Cult tune...and they all switched they're modes to "expert" and when I say they destroyed us...i am not a liar...they all got 100 percent...so I'm assuming they have the game...they did not, however, look as good while shredding...that's for damn sure...
so, I wake up this morning and my head was straight pounding and I quickly realized why I stopped drinking for 4 months...and with that headache I watched the Mets lose...again...those dudes need to get it together...they're killin me...
I'm gonna call it an early night...get some rest...ill be in jersey tomorrow with the rest of Drive By...gettin ready for our upcoming tour...and then at around 6:15pm ill be watching a softball game...the winner of the game is who the Go GettaZ will be playing in the finals...so we're gonna do some scouting and intimidation...
...danny fitz...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Konbanwa bitches!
Rain is so soothing...the constant pitter-patter...the rumbling thunder...I'm enjoying this...the Mets just won 9-1 against the Cardinals...and now the pleasant, cooling rain...I need this...who's got it better than me...
I almost passed out this morning from heat exhaustion...and maybe a little dehydration... everything went fuzzy for a second and I had to lay down...it wasn't fun...but I chugged some water, took a multi-vitimen and watched the Mets...sometimes I forget to drink enough water and I drink tons of coffee...not a good combo....its delicious...but not good for me...
And today Chris is at Warped tour with his cousin, so no band practice...which is timed perfectly bc the Go Gettaz have a game today...2nd round of the playoffs...Let's! Go! Getta! Haha wish us
luck...we're trying to take home another trophy!
...danny fitz...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
"A new page"
know...i've been clownin...you want more? I don't care either way...I'm
gonna keep writing...I won't go away...I've been spending some time off
tour...but we're getting ready to head back out to see your pretty lil
faces...that's correct...Danny Fitz thinks your all pretty...every last
one of you...don't ever change...
I've been spending my time watching my NY Mets come back and take first
place I their division...and then lose it last night to the Fighting
Phillies of Philadelphia....I hate them b-t-dubbs...I don't hate Philly
but u can see the rivalry..can't you? So yea first place...oh! And
speaking of first place...my softball team, the Finnegan's "Go Gettaz"
took first in our co-ed softball league...with a record of 10-2...almost
unstoppable...I missed a bunch of games due to touring but its been
awesome having some time to go all out and hit some balls and shag some
flies...I get friggin dirty...I like to dive...that's how I roll...just
ask the Lil Drive Bys...they came to a couple games last year...
Hmm...so yes...mets and Go Gettaz...and what else have I been up to?
I've been playing Halo3 and Rockband...straight dorkin it up with my
homies...we actually shut down a bar playin rockband...its was
awesome...we had like a crowd of people watchin us shred...I was playin
drums of course...haha Jason 'shredzilla' DiBene on the bass and Ken
'Morello' Dogrun on the 6-string...we were rockin with the owner Steve
O. And some other friends...but we got the band back together
haha...good time...
I'm goin to the Met game tonight...hopefully to see then gain their spot
in first place...ill be going with Boobie, and my friend Lindsay and her
friend Jenna who is a HUGE Met fan...so it should be fun...if the
weather holds up...we're supose to get a crazy storm and it doesn't look
good for us...
Lets go Mets!
M-E-T-S..mets! mets! mets!
Duh-nuh, nuh-nuh, nuh-nuh...CHARGE!!!!!
...danny fitz...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
"Get off my porch, you old queens!!!!" - JD
hey...ya'll...how have you been? I've been doing well...the band is home right now so I'm trying to keep busy. I've been catching up on my Harry Potter, hangin with some friends, playin some softball...ya know the normal Danny Fitz stuff...I've been getting some traffic at my "Danny Fitz Online Clothing Store" ...You know the one at http://www.zazzle.com/iamfitz ...?? Check it out and get the latest in fashion...
Also, I don't know if you know this about me, but I keep the most eclectic and most amazing friends around me at all times...which is why I'm currently writing a screen play about my life...it in no way is because I'm so awesome...well it's mostly because I'm so awesome, but it's also do to the fact that I have friends who are all different, and each play an important roll in, what is, my life...they all are very unique...and they do amazing things...whether they are aware of it or not...they are like characters in a movie...one of which is doing great things in Columbia...she's a great person and is extremely loving and generous...her name is Christine and she is keeping a blog while she is down there...I'm a huge fan of her blog...you should be too...check it out...at www.travelblog.org/bloggers/cstine or you can just click HERE...
anyways...we just did a chat at www.interpunk.com and it was rad...we'll be setting up one of those chatroom things on our myspace page so we can pop on whenever we get to a computer...
aight...I hafta finish watching the Mets game...we're winning 3-0 in the bottom of the 6th against the San Fransisco Giants...LETS GO METS!!!
That will be all...
Danny Fitz
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Mikey Avalanche stole my life...part 1
Its 5:52AM...I drove for about 3 hours until 3:45...I couldn't keep my eyes open so I thought it best to put Chris behind the wheel...he slept through my shift...not "well-rested" but rested none-the-less...we had a long day earlier...4 hour drive and a show in Cinncinati...so we were
pretty beat from the start...oh yea...we decided to drive all the way home straight after our last show with the Pink Spiders...could be a stupid idea...but we all really wanted to get home so we stuck to our guns...
My eyes are dry, my throat sore...its rainy and humid and cold in Western Pennsylvania...Pearl Jam is blasting to help aide Chris' energy level...I need a fix of coffee if I'm gonna stay awake any longer to function...or maybe ill take a nap...only six hours left...only 5 hours and 59 mins left now...let's stop to get a snack and use the little boys room...I recon that a good idea...
Oh and Mikey Avalanche told me that I inspired him to start a blog of his own...once I get his web address ill post it...I know he's got a fun mind...
...danny fitz...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
"With every word you say, say something sweet..."
We play chi-town last night and in the bar I watched a lil bit of the Cubbies/Black Sox game...saw chitown fans going nuts...I guess it was the same back in NY with my Mets and those damn Yankees...I hear it was all or nothing as the Mets destroyed the Jenkees 15-6 I think it was in
the first game of the double header and then got shredded in the second game, getting shutout....ah well...ya win some and ya lose some..but this season the Mets beat the Yankees more times...we rock...even though we're suckin up this season...
So anyways...the show was awesome...a lot of peeps came out to support...I popped a string in the last song of our set and was saved by Matt Friction who tossed me up a new guitar in time to finish out the song flawlessly...haha we also played with this band from Texas called
'Girl in a Coma'...awesome chicks...and they rock...check them out for sure...tell em Fitz from Drive By sent you...
Now we drive to Detroit Rock City...its gonna be a good show...I can feel it...Detroit is always fun for us...a lot of friends come out and we might even go out on our boy Big Dave's Pirate ship...for real...we rock eye patches and swords and swash the buckle and swab the deck and maroon shifty pirates and make em walk the plank matey and ish...ya know...
...danny fitz...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Some say...you only hear what you want to...
We walked into Wendys earlier...and everyone customer stopped what they were doing and stared at us...we were so not wanted...they were hiding their kids from us as if we were gonna "kill them and eat them alive"...which is stupid bc its not possible...at all...once u kill
someone...how do u eat them alive...they're thoughts were dumb...but we had a good laugh and threw out some "ill kill you and eat you alive" looks just to entertain their dumb thoughts...and I went outside and did some pushups..bc that's my thing now...everytime we stop I do
pushups...I was on 10 and now I do 20...but that's 20 everytime we stop...and Jae's little bladder keeps me workin hard...haha aahhh...Pushups...working my way up to 500 a day...so I can beat jae up haha...I'm only on 200 a day now...but I'm showing progress and I will
beat Jae up...nah Jae's kinda like my personal trainer...he's a good push to eat healthy and work out with the downtime we have on tour...
I ordered a Venti French Vanilla Iced Coffee from Starbucks...and I drank it and it was deliciously satisfying...so of course I went to get a refill and was stoked on the 55 cent refill policy they have...so I was like "Hell Yea" drop another Venti on me...she of course messed up
and gave me what Jae had ordered earlier...5 shots of esspresso on ice...lets just say I was all sorts of tweaked on esspresso shots...and I quickly crashed and napped for a bit...no one should ever have that much energy...its a ridiculous amount of energy...don't do it...seriously...don't be stupid...ok fine try it...and let me know if you can hang...
I miss Mikey Avalanche...its a band thing to meet dudes in bands and use their first name and dominant band name as their last name...Mikey from I Am the Avalanche, is just to long...when I get home we're chillin and jammin on some folk songs...
I also have some movie, websites and book ideas that I'm workin on at the present...I cant let the cat out of the bag just yet bc I don't want ya'll stealin my thunder...but lets just say, "poop", "creepy dudes on swingsets" and a "movie about me, and my friends" are all in the works...
Time after time we drive through Gary, Indiana...and everytime I sing the song...if you don't know "the song" look it up... from 'the Music Man'...but we're here and I'm gonna complain about the mammoth stench that leaks through our vents as we stroll on through...its pretty damn gross...
...danny fitz...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ok...so last night we were drivin back to the hotel from Buffalo Wild Wings where we demolitians 62 wings...and if you know B-dubs-dubs(BWW)'s wings, they're not skimpy wings...we had buffalo, asian zinger and Jerked...so good...ok, so on the way back we get a call from a friend of
ours saying that we were just on E! Entertainment Television...Ryan Seacest was introducing us and they played our video in the back...we didn't know if we should believe it...no because we think she's a liar but it just seemed weird to us...so we get back tothe room and try to
figure out the next time they'll rerun it...of course it was 3 AM, I was too tired so I passed out and was woken up by jae jumpin on my bed like a little school girl readying up for a pillowfight with her mates...talking all this nonsensical jibjab about how Ryan Seacrest was
playin air guitar to our song Boring...of course I told him to go away and I waited til noon to catch Seacrest shredding an airguitar saying, "that's Drive By with Boring and then they cut to the next segment...I'm pretty sure it went "the Kardashian's" than Drive By...
Its now time for waffle house...we're takin a walk there to get a little excercise after all them wings...late!
...danny fitz...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Venue...
We played this place called "the venue" in Dalton, Georgia...and it was a small DIY punkrock club...the Venue was run by the nicest lady ever, I felt like I was home...two of her daughters helped her run the place and it was just a sweet spot for the kids in the area to hang out...all in
all it was a great night for me...I got to see some friends, make some new ones...and play a rock show for a Dalton...I just wanna say thanks to everyone at the show for being so cool...
My hair was a great success...b-t-dubs..(btw)
I just did laundry and I'm stoked to have clean clothes...and then it's off to Indiana tomorrow to see Natty-Nat...
...danny fitz...
Love, Life and a Kingdom United
This is our 12th or 13th show day in a row...which is kinda crazy..but we're still truckin...its nice to see familiar faces...kids coming out to see us that we've met at shows previous to this tour...
I got to speak with a girl named Tracy from the UK...she won a contest that the Lil DriveBys put on and I got to personally congratulate her...she was still in the UK and it was 1AM by her...so I called and chatted for a bit...goodtimes...and she's got an awesome accent...'brilliant'!!!...its good to know we still got out UK friends behind us..
...danny fitz...
Zombie Nation...
Its 3am and we're in a Howard Johnson Hotel/Motel thing...and the rain is pouring like a monsoon...like loud rain...its whipping around in the harsh wind...and its making our door whistle...its hard to miss the crashing thunder as well...I hope I can get some sleep...we DO have a
show in Dalton, GA tomorrow...see ya'll there...
...danny fitz...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hot-lanta Crunk jams..all the night long...
We bought a real grenade...its the sweetest thing ever and its hot in Atlanta...I guess that's why its called HOT-lanta...I gotta change my strings but I just got word that Atlanta, GA has Whirlyball...hmm...I love it...oh and a man has already showed up to the Drunken
Unicorn..where we're playing tonight superstoked on seeing the Drive-By Truckers play hahaha...I think he just left to get drunk at a local bar and will be back in time to hate us royally hahahaha...later all...
...danny fitz...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I'm Batman...
you...64 East...
...danny fitz...
Harbor in Charlotte, NC...
We were sitting in our van getting ready to leave the venue and we see
this white Tahoe fly around a corner squealing its 3 tires...yes...I
said 3...one was missing...the passenger side front tire was gone and
the fender was smashed and the dude driving obviously did not wanna
stick around for the police...so of course we took a detour to see if we
could see what had happened but no luck...I thought he was gonna smash
into us bc when he made the turn he lost control of his car(plus he was
3-wheelin) but he got control enough to miss us...thank God...and now we
drive...Nashville-bound...I don't think the Pink Spiders are playing
tomorrow...but we'll see...
Oh!!! New addition to our van..we have a "no lot lizards" decal on our
window...so if you're a lot lizard...you've been warned...stay the "F"
away...Drive By don't want none of you...haha...Lot lizards are hookers
that hang out in truckstops...incase u didn't know...
We were just discussing names of DJ's that would be cool...I don't know
if someone has taken this name yet but...DJ Tanner...? Maybe? Ya know
'Full House'?
...danny fitz...